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Does anybody here belong to any prepper groups or forums? I was on a forum for a while, but it was all super religious gun happy rednecks who would rather bully anyone who did not agree with them. Had some great people, I saw them bullied into leaving, so I did also.

Rugglesby 8 June 2
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Whats wrong with rednecks? Lol. Jk i get what ur saying but just joined and being a texas born and raised redneck found it humorous and had to comment


The fanatical “god and guns” aspect of so many who focus on these issues has always made me hesitant about identifying as a prepper. I have no problem with guns (planning to get a self-defense and hunting weapon soon myself) but I get real leary about the gun porn addicts. And not to stereotype, but folks who are deep into that mindset also tend to follow politics diametrically opposed to my own views.
I’d love to connect with other prepping-minded folks in my area who are also either progressive or at least able to co-exist with people who differ from them.

Plamon Level 4 June 18, 2018

Spot on. My guess is at least 80% of people with an interest in survival, and planning to look after themselves in emergencies are religious and gun crazy. Guns are a tool like anything else, they are nothing more if considered with reason. The good thing about my time in that forum was to confirm that I lived well away from those nutters. My focus is mostly on establishing and maintaining my own systems so I can be self reliant. Food, water, power, communications are pretty much there. Though to be honest, keeping things in place is harder and less fun than putting them in place.


Similar experience here. The forum turned out to be a religiinist militia group who were preparing for the biblical end times, and I was just trying to set food and water by tomorrow by for the next hurricane or major flood.

Jthurston2 Level 6 June 11, 2018

I belong to a Vegan Prepper group....while we all have guns (and other protection tools) we mostly focus on exchanging gardening information. 🙂

We have protection, but naturally something I did not discuss in that group, some were openly predators.

@BearMcClure there already is one on this site and I'm already a member.....

Being able to survive vegan woudl be a huge advantage, I can identify and prepare all edible local vegetation, in fact have been teaching this for almost 10 years now. A friend has started a business based around teaching visitors to the area. []

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