This is the only group that caught my eye.
Why..they falling out?..are you a walker?
@Donotbelieve which isyour fave? TWD or FTWD?
@Donotbelieve sure!
@Donotbelieve Bwa ha ha ha! I like dead things too. Usually in a white wine sauce.
@Donotbelieve I am just making with the funny! I am totally vegan.
@Palindromeman mmmmm
@Donotbelieve That was a bad joke. I eat everything. I mean, everything. I do find vegans funny. Or is that just me?
@Donotbelieve I love all kinds of plants and animals..especially on my plate!
@Donotbelieve Absolutely copy that! (cheese and eggs and stuff - I personally groove on meat. For half a century. It has made me the person I am today ).
@Donotbelieve Pork crackling, dude!