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UN torture prevention body suspends Australia trip citing 'clear breach' of OPCAT obligations

By Erin Handley

(AAP: Jono Searle)
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In what human rights groups have labelled an "international embarrassment", the United Nations torture prevention body has taken the "drastic" step of suspending its visit to Australia, saying the country was in clear breach of its obligations.

Key points:
• NSW Corrective Services say the UN inspectors did not have prior approval to visit some prisons 

• The Australia OPCAT Network says the visits are supposed to be unannounced to provide real insight into places of detention 

• The Attorney-General says he "regrets" the suspended visit, which has been called an "embarrassing debacle"

The federal government has said it "regrets" the decision by the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT). 

The SPT on Sunday said it had been "obstructed" and prevented from visiting several sites where people are detained.

In a statement, they said the visit "had been compromised to such an extent that they had no other option but to suspend it".
"This is not a decision that the SPT has taken lightly," delegation head Aisha Shujune Muhammad said.

"This is a clear breach by Australia of its obligations under OPCAT. 
"It is deeply regrettable that the limited understanding of the SPT's mandate and the lack of co-operation stemming from internal disagreements, especially with respect to the states of Queensland and New South Wales, has compelled us to take this drastic measure."

Australia ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) in 2017 under Malcolm Turnbull's coalition government.

Last week Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus welcomed the visit and thanked the state and territory governments — with the notable exception of NSW — "for their cooperative approach to facilitating visits by the delegation".

The UN delegation did carry out visits to several facilities last week, including to the Don Dale Youth Justice Centre in Darwin. 
Tasmania allowed the committee to enter six custodial sites, including the Ashley Youth Detention Centre which is under scrutiny by a state-based Commission of Inquiry.
The inquiry has heard disturbing evidence of rape, assaults and staff abuse at the centre which has been earmarked for closure.

vocaloldfart 8 Nov 17
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A majority of Aborignals and children as young as ten years old are being thrown in jail suffering the treatment as listed above

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