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Has anyone else experienced sleep paralysis? I get it all the time. At first it was scary, but I found that once I got used to it and don’t freak out, I’m able to sort of get up and walk around but in like an astral projection kind of way. I’m still walking around my house but everything is slightly off. And when I look out the window, the outside is completely different. And if I look on a mirror I look very distorted. I think it’s pretty fun to do now. I also have very lucid dreams where I can control myself and even fly. The lucid dreams and the astral projection are quite different experiences, but I’m getting better at both. Just would like to see if anyone else has those experiences.

Flexymorals 7 June 28
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I had night terrors as a kid, and now I'm an extremely vivid dreamer. My dreams are like movies that last days. Had sleep paralysis in college, and it's terrifying. The feeling of waking up and being too lethargic to breathe is a hell of an altered state. Do you also suffer from panic attacks?

Kellen Level 1 July 4, 2018

I have had a sleep paralysis once or twice. true sleep paralysis is terrifying, due to the fact that you are completely unable to move. In the "old days" it was thought demons were holding you down. The one time i vividly remember, i felt like i was being held down be an invisible force and it was hard to breath, it was scary, i was 15. Of course now i know what it was, your brain is attempting to wake up while your body is in a deep sleep and the two loose communication. I also have very lucid dreams and can make myself fly ( in my dreams of course). Sometimes when i am going to sleep i can almost remember where my previous dreams left off, but not not entirely, its bizarre. I also have recurring nightmares, usually involving boats or elevators.

Carla1963 Level 6 July 3, 2018

Look up Hypnagogic State. It explains most odd sleep occurrences. Particularly these.

RavenCT Level 9 July 3, 2018

I remember having these episodes when I was a teenager. Freaked me out at the time. It was years later, learning about this in retrospect, that I found out what had happened to me.


Do night terrors count? The kind where I wake up screaming and flailing at the imaginary spiders crawling all over me?

GinaKay Level 7 June 28, 2018

That sounds awful. Sorry.


Nope! But my friend has it all the time. It freaks her out.

yaya87 Level 5 June 28, 2018

Mine did too, in the beginning. Once I learned to calm down, it got much better. What I did was just remain calm and try to slowly raise my hands until I could see them. I’m not saying it’ll work for everyone, I have no idea. But that’s what I did.


Used to have those as a teen. Always freaked out. Tried to take them far few times but to no avail. Always ended up forcing myself to wake up. It was a perfect blend of weird and creppy in a bad way

IamNobody Level 8 June 28, 2018

Do you take nighttime medication? Sounds like an Ambien trip

Hazydays Level 7 June 28, 2018

I’ve been taking OTC melatonin and magnesium supplements lately, but this started even before I did that. No real drugs.


That sounds like a nightmare.

In the beginning it was. The first few times, it felt like I woke up and could see everything in my room from the perspective of where I was laying, but unable to move. I would start to panic to the point that I eventually woke up. But then after several times, I finally decided to just relax and go with it, and that’s when I was able to lift up from my body and walk around. It’s still a dream world that I’m walking in, but usually everything inside my room is almost the same. But outside or the farther away from my body I get it gets much different.


You're very brave in that case.


Lucky you! I've been trying for years!

2askjoe Level 5 June 28, 2018

The astral projection started with sleep paralysis and overcoming that. For me at least. I don’t know what causes the paralysis, so I can’t really control when I get to astral project, but when I’m not doing that my dreams are usually pretty lucid. I have more of a sense of control than I had before. And I can fly, which is pretty awesome since I dream the sensation too. Just wish it could start happening in real life, lol


Once in a great while. One frightening thing about it, I also don't know where I am. Of course I am in the same bed I always sleep in for the last 35 years. It passes as soon as I mange to turn on the light.

I’ve had some where, while I was paralyzed, the light was on. And then I actually wake up and it’s loke 3am and my light is actually off. But for some reason I’m my paralyzed dream it was on.

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