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President Trump is bringing the country toward dictatorship - even worse with VP Pence toward theocracy.
Mark my words, if things keep going like this before you know it they'll be putting little plaques of the Ten Commandments in the courtrooms and kids in schools will be asked to pray to spooks.

Aristopus 7 July 17
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I just can't believe fellow vets still support this guy. He has been insulting is for years; I have a factual list. He has advocated for changes in the first amendment as he attacks journalists and others, who are protesting. That is the first move of a fascist. Of he wins on that front god, if there was one, help us. The next move would be the 22nd amendment. Then irony of ironies, most fascist to secure control would go after the second. And that would be easier than right wingers think and deny. The NRA works with gun manufacturers - promise them big government and military contracts and gain entry into the largest gun registry in the U.S. I would find that entertaining except once 1 and 22 go, we are absolutely screwed.


Then I'll say see ya in Manitoba.

VnWriter Level 3 Aug 6, 2018

there's a book coming out about pence that says he would surpass T in oppression

what is name of the book? I just read a book called The Making of Donald Trump. Very scary.


Religion is the opium of the people. Even Trump knows that.

vnufall Level 7 July 25, 2018

If this guy and Pence move the country any further to the right, dictatorship will be near in not time. Even worse theocracy. Before you know it kids will go to school and be forced to pray to imaginary spooks.

Aristopus Level 7 July 24, 2018

We need to change campaign finance.
Until we stop the obscene amounts of cash flowing into politics nothing will change.
Public finance is part of the answer. You get a certain percentage of signatures that is reflective of the population of your district to get the ballot . Next you restrict the number of weeks of campaigning, six for primaries and six for generals. That would stop the years long campaigns that does nothing but distract politicians from doing their job.
Next sense we own the air waves the four big networks has to alot equal time for informational content and debates . All this I believe is a good start and I'm sure it can be tweaked to make it better . Any ideas?

Time419 Level 3 July 23, 2018

i'm short of ideas but the current no-holds-barred system i not working.

Also the Electoral College has to go. You are right about the money and the influence these corporations have on congress.


He makes me I'll and ive never hated anyone this much

Irie123 Level 2 July 18, 2018

Don't worry. This guy will blow over in a year or two.


Since 9/11 Bush, Obama and now Trump all have or had dictatorial power. Their are no checks and balances any longer, especially as Congress the gutless swine gave the President more power, to the point where the President's don't even need Congress to declare war. (Even though we have not technically declared war on anyone since WWII) Of course Trump want's to be president for life, when you are as narcissistic as he seems to be and when he sees Putin able to keep himself in power for over 20 years. With Trump putting a Supreme Court Justice will only insure that no checks and balances ever return.

What should worry us the most is that only as a collective do the American people have a voice. Only when we get in the street in the hundreds of thousands will there be any change. TV news is bought and paid for by the same people who elect our officials. So they feed us shit on TV and focus on unimportant events so American's stop paying attention to what the fuck is actually going on.

I apologize if that's news for you but the Super Pack's and special interest money is what pays for campaigns it is what pays for commercials and is also gets Congress to sign bills that do nothing for their constituency but do line their pockets. In fact you can't even run for President unless you have 5 million dollar war chest and that will get you in the Primaries no further.

Also we must realize that everything the media and mostly the government is doing is dividing us further. They attempt to divide us along racial lines, income lines, religion and any issue that can polarize us. Meanwhile Big Brother puts it's screws to us tighter for 'our own safety.' I personally don't feel any safer having all the information on my cell phone captured and stored by the NSA! In the name of Public Safety is the absolute worst justification to make a law ever. Helmet laws, Seat belt laws, what substances we can and cannot ingest, if we are not hurting another person than these laws have no basis.

msalyards Level 4 July 17, 2018

Good post. Americans need to change their self image from democracy to corporate oligarchy, rule by the few. And when the few are concerned with only their own self interest, status and power we get the situation you describe above.

One point I'd like to make about not needing Conngress to start a wer, is that in1898, TR fired on and took the port of Manilla, killing 500 Spanish soldiers and virtually starting the Spanish-American War. And he wasn't even president at the time, rather Secratary of the Navy.

About your "laws have no basis" statement, last year several Congresspersons promulgated a bill requiring porn stars to wear condoms. What the fuck (literally) business is it of theirs?

Well said.

@Aristopus the Naval battle in the Philippines came close to starting a world war. There were fouur fleets there: American; Spanish; German; and English. The Germans had orders, that if an advantage arose, help the Spanish. After the battle started, the Germans had orders to help the Spanish if they saw an advantage. As the Gerrmans maneuvered to aid the Spanish, the British commander under no orders moved his ships to intercept the Gemans and a larger conflict was avoided.


They already pledge to them since the 50's

zorialoki Level 8 July 17, 2018

And many want to get rid of guns...

They may regulate them, mostly by states doing the regulating. Trying to get rid of the 2nd amendment is virtually impossible. There are too many guns out there for them to go away

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