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How many here know intelligent design and young earth creationism aren't the same thing? They're not mutually exclusive but ID is plausible, although it cannot be proven wrong so it's still a bad theory.

Nope, I'm not an IDer. I am curious how many know the difference and also curious how many know which denominations do or do not endorse YEC?

educatedredneck 7 Aug 23
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And milk comes from the store, not cows.


ID is not plausible. plausible means reasonable or likely, and ID is neither.

HereticSin Level 7 Aug 31, 2018

Plausible has a couple of similar definitions, my intent with the word was the 2nd definition on

well-spoken and apparently, but often deceptively, worthy of confidence or trust:

I get you, I'm used to using it in a different sense, but I can see what you mean. It's harder to get someone out of ID superstitious thinking because "yeah, that makes sense" and then they don't actually dig deeper to see all the flaws in it.



IamNobody Level 8 Aug 24, 2018

So yec-ers believe in the bible as literal and intelligent designers believe the world was made perfectly? I'd say they're both bizarre, and religious. I'm not into any of that stuff. What does YEC stand for by the way? even the article comparing ID and YEC gave no definition.

Young Earth Creationism, they believe earth is between 6 and 10 thousand years old.

@HereticSin oh thanks, I met someone who believed that the bible was literal once; apart from that she seemed like a pretty decent human being! Lols 😉


Know the difference, don't care who believes what. Interesting ideas, but I find particle physics much more interesting.

Nukdookum Level 8 Aug 23, 2018

Thanks, I've met several atheists who assume all Xtians are YEC, others think all theists are YEC.

Being ignorant of religion is probably good, but mocking religion based on personal and rigid ignorance just shows you're an ass

Science (dang it!) has proven that atheists and agnostics know more about the Bible than religious people do.

@Happyatheist I know my samples are heavily biased, but almost everyone I know who has seriously studied the Bible and especially religious history ends up atheist or agnostic.

I've met several preachers who acknowledge they've never read the Bible.

One Army Chaplin read the drivel later in life...and had to finish the last year of his Army career as a hospital chaplin where he didn't have to talk about god.

@educatedredneck I've met more than a few religious nuts who have never read it start to finish, even those from the most conservative sects. As you know, they pick and choose whatever works for them in the moment and to hell with the context. When confronted with biblical history, in particular the KJV (about which they reliably know nothing), the concepts boggle them into a tailspin of abject surprise, fear and doubt.
I agree with you about how people who read the Bible from start to finish either seriously question it (Jews and the Old Testament), or become agnostics (!/?) or athiests. I've read a lot about this and have discovered that the higher ones intelligence, the more likely we are to be atheists or agnostics. Abstract reasoning is not a strength of folks on the left side of the bell curve who have average IQs or lower.

@Happyatheist seminary, reading the bible analytically and studying religious history annihilated my faith. Painful, but I recommend it for all theists


Jehovah's Witnesses were sort of Y.E.C.'s years ago, but are so no longer. They used to believe that the earth was around 42,000 years old, since six 'days' had elapsed since the creation of the earth, and each one of them was seven thousand years long. Much more sensible than Y.E.C., right? They scorn Y.E.C.'s for being so silly, yet believe evolution is a hoax perpetrated by self-aggrandizing scientists bent on becoming rich and famous. No, I'm not exaggerating. They also believe that people choose to 'believe evolution' (as opposed to accepting it) because they have no god to answer to, and can sin as they please. They have no public position on I.D. as such, but subscribe to many of its principles (if that's not too strong a word). Their current position is that the earth may indeed be 4 billion years old, as science suggests- but evolution is nonsense as god made everything.

Source: was a JW for far too long.

ty, I grew up with some really chill JW but have never looked into their theology after dismissing it as lunacy when I thought telepathic forgiveness from sky daddy was reasonable.


Yes, of course, they are different and are not mutually exclusive. Both are idiotic ideas. For example, if any of our engineers designed our networks as well as eyes or the vagus nerve were "designed", s/he'd be sacked. Many xtian sects favour these silly fantasies.

pixiedust Level 8 Aug 23, 2018

if we were designed, the designer is incompetent. and probably on drugs.

@HereticSin And not good drugs ...


I have read that they are different, but wasn't interested enough in the nonsense to learn the details as to why they are different.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 23, 2018

At least you know they're different.

If you care...YEC says God made everything in 6 days and the planet is 6-10k years old.

ID just says god did it and it could include evolution over millennium.

Got it. Now I know. Thank you.

ID proposes the designer was intelligent. Allergies suggest otherwise 🙂

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