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As I spend another sleepless night seated in my recliner, I thought that I would vent on a subject which has stuck in my craw for years. Why are PUBLIC records an area that has been monetized? It is particularly irritating to have everything for sale, as these records are in the public domain. It’s as we have been reduced to nothing more than entries in a company report.

WayneDalton 8 Oct 22
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I came from a large family,had two relationships which spanned over 30 years of my life. this is the second time I have been truly alone,and the people who I could rely on to see me through the dark times are not available now.


Let me preface this comment by saying I do not like being alone. Now that my girlfriend has passed,(as well as my cat), and I am truly alone, the walls are closing in around me. I miss her companionship,her behavior patterns but most especially the love she felt towards me. I am not trying to replace her as I will never be able to, if I seek somebody else it is the desire to find a life companion. I can't believe as I type this, a single tear has trickled down my face. This is unusual because I rarely cry.


It is always about money, no matter the topic. Nothing is free of being about money, no matter the twists & turns.

Understood. It irks me to be a commodity though. I am thoroughly disgusted with how corporations have subverted our lives, and how our politicians will do or say anything to be re-elected to the detriment of the rest of the population.

@WayneDalton Agreed.

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