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Why is it that some women feel free to be highly critical of someone who is not aware of how he is coming across?Most of us are only looking for some companionship and human contact,or as much as you can get in a chat room.

WayneDalton 8 Oct 23
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cutiebeauty I understand that this will cause people to steer clear of me here on this site,and if that happens,I will live with it. I appreciate being able to interact with such interesting people,and it is not my intent to irritate people when my stated goal was a relationship.With me,dating was always iffy.I have always had trouble detecting when a woman is attracted to me,and have missed out on some. when I make it well known that I am looking, ,then these people are scarce,and I only seem to garner either criticism,or utter indifference.what is the point of a site which is designed to allow people to sound each other out. I have had two partners in my life,and I was love and appreciated.I miss this,and may very well end up alone for the duration of my life.If so,that is just something I will have to live with.


interesting comments

TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

So how do we convey being annoyed and turned off

EvaV Level 7 Oct 24, 2018

The same as women often do by being contemptuous and dismissive as well as dismissive of men considered as not being the fantasy you carry in your head.

Also, you could use the block annoying men option, or maybe not comment at all, if I bother you so


I as a woman have felt the same about some men. Nobody's allowed to make somebody feel small. Uncool. We're not all the same. Just like all men are not the same either.

Yes you do. I over reacted and allowed my emotions to over ride my internal censor.However I do not regret it


Sometimes it take a little thought in what you write so as you don't come across as to brash, crass, or like a total ass. Chill out and treat people as you would like to be treated.. I am no authority, but I usually learn from my mistakes

zorialoki Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

When I write or say something there is a very good chance that is exactly what I is not intended to offend one thing I have learned in this life is to be direct. I am aware that it might rub people the wrong way but I thought that was part of the attraction of this site.

@WayneDalton I can be abrasive as hell, but at the same time I try to be kind to people and their person. I don't know what everyone else has endured. I only know what I know and that can be very little at times. Be as kind to yourself as you wish them to be to you. All is cool, be you. I have had dogs nobody wanted, i made them wonderful by giving them love and a home. You could be loved and have a home too, just quit trying to rip the curtains down and jump the fence

@zorialoki what you said is fine,I simply wasn't being true to myself,and was too sensitive. That's my problem, and I'll deal with it.

@WayneDalton I tend to be real myself and am perfectly good with that. I leave it to others to interpret it as they may, if they have a problem they can feel free to contact me.. Thank you for your honesty.

@WayneDalton do you really think rubbing people the wrong way is a good approach to finding a romantic relationship? Seriously? Just asking... I understand people get rubbed the wrong way, but it's not the actual goal... Is it?

@Cutiebeauty which statement are you referring to?

@WayneDalton your first comment under @zorialoki reply

@Cutiebeauty I am not trying to rub people the wrong way.I said that the manner in which I express might do that.what I should have said is that I will speak my mind,and it may offend people,but I would rather do that than not be free to express my opinion. This may result in people being turned off by my brusque manner,but I am an old dog and you know what the saying is. I spent years walking on eggshells so as not to offend people,and grew tired when the same courtesy was not extended to me.Women always proclaim that they treasure honesty,and when I am my true self,there is criticism implied or not.So, this will probably work against me.It's not my intention,but I cannot help but to feel that an attractive mnan or woman can act that way,and it will be overlooked. I am not grotesque,but not the handsome ideal. I however treat women in a relationship with me with respect and love.I feel it is better to show my personality,warts and all,instead of springing on her later.

@WayneDalton, direct is one thing and not always the best way to approach a situation. It sounds like you want a woman to accept you no matter what. However, you don't expect them to be put off by your attitude. Personally I believe there's a fine line between being honest and being an asshole. Also there are times when you shouldn't make a comment at all.

@Cabsmom possibly so. all I a can say is that I come across differently in person. Therein lies the rub, as it seems whenever I express interest, I am told that she is not dating either because of bad experiences, or displays indifference. I have been labeled as an asshole, immature, too eager, amongst other characterizations. it seems to be hit and miss, with miss being the operative word.

@Cabsmom however, I am extremely tired as I have had very little sleep over the last few days, and it may be skewing my judgement and reactions.

@WayneDalton, it can be difficult to express yourself in writing over the internet. There are probably many misunderstandings and social media because of that.


It seems as though the world is full of intolerant and highly reactive people these days. Let's all breathe deep, shall we.

MrLink Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Once I say it. It is out of my system and I am over it

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