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Mother of Mass Shooting Victim: “I Don’t Want Prayers… I Want Gun Control”


Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Nov 10
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Can’t control a gun, and it’s obviously true you can’t control human behavior... killing been around since living. It was carried out using the technology of the time ; rock, spear, sword, gun etc... a gun by itself is almost harmless. Once it’s picked up it is bound by the internet of the person holding it....

Delbert Level 4 Nov 16, 2018

Countries have guns, but the US has the worst reputation !


We have always had guns but we did not always have so many people running around committing all these violent Acts. If you get rid of the guns you will stop the shootings but I don't believe you will get rid of the violent attacks. I believe there's a societal problem that needs to be addressed. Without doing so these people would just find other means to commit their Acts.

Kris71234 Level 3 Nov 14, 2018

I think you’re on to something. Population explosion the more people born the more idiots you have. I not stating I’m perfect....

@Delbert And we also have more guns than people in this country. Good luck getting rid of them, though, this is America. I think they’re basically just so everywhere that the crazies will always be able to get them. Our only hope is to get the fuck out of America or learn to shoot ??


Listen to the ones that loved the ones that have been lost ffs.

Umbral Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

As a gun owner I would like to see this also, but within reason

zorialoki Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

background checks would be a good start

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

But to what extent, and what or where is the line drawn that has to be reached? Then after that is implemented, what is the next measure to be taken? and the next, and the next... And when people are still being killed do you finally propose the total gun ban?


And I have known how to use guns since nearly the time I could hold one.

They are tools! Dammit!

They are for groundhogs and squirrel and rabbits.

They are not nor ignorant, insane shit holes to take away dozens of beautiful people because our leaders have zero courage against the filthiest lobby in the history of time to enforce sensible legislation to keep people alive.

Why are gun humpers still allowed to say that you, your mema, your seven year old....they do not have the right to come back home alive today?

Gun humpers are saying these near weekly mass murders are just something we have to deal with.

No. No. No.


More important that a sociopath has 50 guns to slaughter people than that a dozen young people go home alive.

Your game is about done ammosexuals


I saw that.. Very heartbreaking... ?

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