10 5

Sitting in my empty but peaceful house on a lazy, rainy Saturday. Later there will be a bit of exercise then log fire, supper and some wine. Might a bit of guitar or read a book or just sit on the internet.

What are you up to?

GerryHatric 5 Nov 24
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Enjoy being online again!

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Thinking about making some cinnamon buns this afternoon.


I am searching for my book on rope tying. I must have misplaced it and now I need it desperately.

Nukdookum Level 8 Nov 24, 2018

Just kidding, I'll make a batch of taco filling, a batch of sugar free margarita mix and maybe catch a football game.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

Sounds like I should come for a visit... after the fire is going good! LOL!

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

Work work..


Sausage egg and cheese bowl for breakfast and now a Bloody Mary in preparation for a friend to come watch the NCSU vs UNC game. Too cold and rainy for much else this morning. I feel bad for those guys on the field today


It's still the afternoon here. I'm listening to Classic FM and working my way through these posts. I've got a good book, Red Dead Redemption 2 game and a bottle of red wine for later. A bit of company would be nice but it's a pleasant enough prospect.

brentan Level 8 Nov 24, 2018

What are you reading?

@GerryHatric The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist. It's about how the halves of the brain work together and how it affected Western culture. What are you reading?

@brentan Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions
by Johann Hari. I heard him on Sam Harris's Waking Up podcast. It's pretty good.


I retuned from a Thanksgiving celebration yesterday ahd now will address the state of my kitchen. Just flattened out many cardboard boxes for recycling, collected empty water bottles for return, fed the cats and the dogs. Somebody did not do any dishes, so there is that.
Maybe it would be better to get dressed first before I take stuff out to the curb.
There was a magnificient full moon last night
And it was very cold!

Spinliesel Level 9 Nov 24, 2018

Very few people seem to do the dishes.

@GerryHatric Funny how that works!


Having a cookout in my home upstate with friends... A dip in the pool.. It's heated... Lol

I have a heated bath.

@GerryHatric Stop that, you guys!

@brentan who, what, when? Lol


Very cold here. Woke up to the sound of the furnace running. Yesterday I went for a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood. We live in a rural area with a lot of farms. The houses are far apart, but the road out front is busy, so there's a constant sound of cars and trucks going by, but no neighbors. It's a mixed bag.

Yesterday I got out the electric guitar and worked on a tutorial for some of my students that want to learn some Boston songs.

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Posted by Ray13I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this: Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood...

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Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by wolf041For those of you who are stuck indoors, I thought I would share a little side jaunt on my way to the grocery store the other day.

Posted by Reason-AbleI’m 54 and bored. I needed a project and decided to buy a truck and make it my project. I’ve been adding little mods to it every weekend. Any other vehicle enthusiasts in the group?

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by Observer-EffectInteresting.

Posted by WonderWartHog99After trimming up the crab apple tree, I loaded up the pick'em'up truck and headed for the landfill, Petunia riding shot gun.

Posted by WonderWartHog99Just hang this on the wall and you'll be safe.

Posted by flower_nutMy mother's best friend worked for the local newspaper and decided to dress me as a leprechaun and use it for Saint Patrick's Day. I was a smiling leprechaun, whatever that was?

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