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Just being cathartic....I thought I was ready to date a bit after a fairly chill break up three months ago. A nice, professional, fit woman with two kids who seems like a fantastic mommy asked friends about me and I just can't get excited.

Granted I barely know her but she's attractive, not religious, seemingly financially sane...fits my checklist in every way.

Break-ups suck. You still care, don't want to care, convince yourself you're ok...but not really.

LOL, I don't even need any responses but sometimes chatting freely with total strangers does more than simply journaling.

Namaste...or something like it

educatedredneck 7 May 22
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I really didn't expect any comments but thanks to people who read my meandering thoughts. I'm not ready yet. Thank gods (probably Aprhodite and Baal) I'm past the age when women who NEED to pump out babies look at me as a potential daddy, so there's no rush.

I've been lonely a few times, but being lonely isn't a reason to jump into a relationship. My dogs are better company and they don't mind if I nerd out for hours or make chicken for breakfast, spicy chicken and an avocado was breakfast and the dogs liked to help clean dishes 🙂


I get it. Caring about someone isn't like flicking a switch. Whether it's been amicable or acrimonious it takes a while to move forward.

Take things at a pace that works for you. If you meet someone who's company you enjoy it's ok to be friends to maintain that contact and if the dynamic changes at a later stage then all good.

It's important to look after yourself as you need to be the centre of your own universe sometimes.

Eastrenbi Level 5 May 22, 2018

Sounds as if you need a bit more time to yourself. No sense rushing into something.

pixiedust Level 8 May 22, 2018

Been there, done that ! Things will get better !

VAL3941 Level 8 May 22, 2018

You're still not over your ex by the sounds of it. It takes time.

There's no point dating if you don't want to. It's your life, not anyone else's.

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