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Greetings to all! I'm a widow who lives so far out in rural Idaho that they don't even deliver mail here. I'm seeking others to chat that are more like me than the locals. The day I moved here in 2015, two neighbors brought a cake and asked if I was a member of the LDS church. When I said that I was not there was a long silence after which one said "Well....I guess we could still be friends."

MidnightSolo 5 May 22
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Wow! Sorry about those church ladies. I live in a small rural town in Illinois, but not as isolated as it sounds like you are, which must be a challenge. Still, this is a very conservative and fundamentalist area, and it would be even worse if not for nearby universities.

Deb57 Level 8 June 9, 2018

Haha! The nearby university here is BYU Rexburg! That's not helpful at all, lol!


Hello from Britain. Hope alls well

SimonMc Level 3 June 9, 2018

But did you eat the cake?

Tried, it was nasty!


There are some things I love about living in the boonies.. like I go down and catch a steelhead about 100 yards from my house.. but on the otherhand yeah.. gotta drive 16 miles for mail.. no cell phone and no power. Thankfully there are not a lot of religious fish or elk around so it's not a big deal. but man I get so tired of winter and dealing with having to go so far just for gasoline. But then this time of year it's so worth it.. boonies.. it's a love hate thing 🙂

ascii122 Level 2 May 28, 2018

My cousin and his wife live in Eagle. Are you near there?

ollieberry Level 7 May 28, 2018

Eagle is 336 miles west of Chester. Chester is about 72 miles west of Yellowstone National Park.


Im in rural IA, I do get mail service but I also quite alone as I am surrounded by Christians, the fundamentalist types!

misstuffy Level 7 May 27, 2018

l'm in Ia too, looking forward to seeing it in my rear view mirror, had enough snow and cold to last a lifetime.

poor baby they sure don't use those supposed values on us heathens

@whiskywoman You are dead on right there!

I can certainly relate.


Let's chat then. Spent 5 years in Idaho. Now live in rural Texas, so perhaps we have something in common. Hit me up if you wish. I won't be a pest.

Monterey Level 5 May 24, 2018

What part of Idaho? Where do you live in TX?


Welcome to our community! Sounds like you'll fit right in!

Archer Level 7 May 22, 2018

Welcome. I'm still a newbie but seems like a friendly and stimulating place.

I'm sure you;ll enjoy it here.

Eastrenbi Level 5 May 22, 2018

Maybe they meant LSD church. I'd suggest that you clarify next time.

Dingodog Level 7 May 22, 2018

LSD church sounds way more fun. Saying that I've never taken LSD and never will but still seems a better option.

Haha! They sure didn't look like the type to even know what LSD was!


This is a friendlier neighbourhood,

pixiedust Level 8 May 22, 2018

I must say, fif 70 you look extremely gorgeous ! How old is the pic ?

VAL3941 Level 8 May 22, 2018

Probably 7 or 8 years, and thank you for the compliment!

Put up a new one pkease ?


Welcome to our humble home ! Post, comment and jusf enjoy yourself. Plenty of friends here !

VAL3941 Level 8 May 22, 2018

Lots of kind folks here. Lucky I stumbled upon this site.

You sure are. We are all freinds here !

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