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Today Canada meets Italy with this duet from Michael Buble’ and Laura Pausini….You Will Never Find Another Love….two people lucky to be born both talented and beautiful!

Marionville 10 July 24
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It reads "Today Canada meets Italy" like you have been watching/listening to too much Olympic's commentary already Marje!

FrayedBear Level 9 July 25, 2021

No…I didn’t watch any, only saw what was on the news at 6pm.

@Marionville that's the indoctrination through repetition. The news announcer probably used the introduction several times rather than saying Canada "rowed, fenced, jumped, sprinted, boxed, volley balled, skied etc. against"
The only time Canada meets is at the US border and when the US navy crashes one of it's ships on Canadian shores because the US captain in his arrogant ignorance thought he had the right of way.

@Marionville Mind you if it's now like Australian news no mention is made of other countries unless Australia defeated them!

@Marionville you were supposed to laugh at that border response Marje. 😟😁

@FrayedBear You will have to put a marker on your posts Richard prompting me when a laugh is the expected response! 🤔


Love this song, & their version of it.

Yes…I do too, two great artists.


Sleepy backing! I fear it odd when couples who certainly do not mean what they are singing. But indeed they sang well.

It’s called performing…it calls for pretence in the same way actors pretend when they act on stage or in film…and if they’re at all talented the audience can suspend belief and for a moment or two believe them.

@Marionville Yes, no doubt. I guess I'm not that good at suspending belief!

@rogerbenham I think that’s probably an understatement!

@rogerbenham lol. Are you just a wee bit jealous Roger?

@FrayedBear Sorry, not at all. I only listen/watch this stuff because M posts it.

@Marionville Well since my dad was a governor of the Old Vic and their last president, you will appreciate that I had some understanding of theatre. Performances, not real. But I saw wonderful actors in their earlier days.

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