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I mentioned last week that I had changed my holiday plans and am now booked on a Viking Homelands Cruise due to depart from Bergen, Norway next July and ending in Stockholm, Sweden 15 days later. I have been watching videos online of the ship and it’s itinerary taking in 7 different counties around the Baltic, and now appropriately I’ve found this piece of music which was composed by Classic FM Composer in Residence, Debbie Wiseman to celebrate Viking Cruises 20th anniversary. It is titled - The Traveller and is being performed at Abbey Road studios, London by The National Symphony Orchestra.

…I’m guessing there may be a performance of it during our cruise…

Marionville 10 Aug 25
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Pleasant enough.

I rather like it. Evocative of the sea I think.

@Marionville Yes, OK, but sorry I really do not approve of cruise ships. They are horribly environmentally a disaster.


Makes me think water, snow, ice, glaciers, & of course....

The music does have that feel to it. We won’t see these things at all though. The water yes…but it’s the wrong time of the year for ice and Aurora Borealis..and we won’t be far enough north for glaciers. It will be quite warm…maybe even hot in July ..they usually have nice sunny summers in the Baltic region. Nice pictures though!

@Marionville I'm sure it will be beautiful, no matter the season. The music is beautiful too.

Those are some of my pc wallpapers.

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