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I’m determined to bring Roger round to understanding how great a band a-ha is, he thought Lifelines written by Magne was “soupy”…well how about this one which was written by Pal Waaktaar who penned most of the band’s biggest hits. Here they perform Here I Stand and Face the Rain, live in 2016 in Oslo with Anneli Drecker sharing vocals with Morten. I adore this song which was composed when Pal was only 20!

The first video is the original recording from their first hit album in 1985….in the second video they were using experimental virtual reality 360 video technology which was being developed by Norsk Hydro - the effect of which can’t be replicated when posted by pasting here.

Marionville 10 Sep 16
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Oh dear. The music did nothing for me. The angry clouds (clearly speeded up) were awesome to ponder. God help us if global warming results in weather getting like that.
No, my lack of liking is nothing to do with religion. I have realised that for many years my taste in music is reverting to a childhood of classical music with a sprinkling of celtic and baroque. My eldest brother never like pop music (he is slightly older than you M). My sister, even older, flirted with Elvis but otherwise never had time for pop.
I was a Cliff fan, then Stones and R&B, then at 19 a Pink Floyd fan. But around 1975 I was losing interest in pop music and becoming obsessed with Baroque and Cathedral. Though I sing at music festivals I take very little interest in most of the pop/rock being played.
Folk music hit me at school and I could easily have lived a folk music circuit in Britain but lost it in '74 when I came here.

Ok…fair enough…can’t say I haven’t tried! Although you did say you liked Pet Shop Boys…so you must like some pop…they don’t come much poppier than them! 😁😅

@Marionville In the 80's I escaped my first wife by going to my barn and listening to CBC Top 20. Candle in the wind, It's a Sin, Gloria I remember rocking to as I created furniture. Then I'd switch to Saturday night bounce off stratosphere from Drumheller 600 miles away playing 2 hours of ad free Country music. My wife hated both. Highway 101 The Bed you made for me.

@rogerbenham I know them all…not too keen on country music you can keep Highway 101!

@Marionville I did sometimes wonder if my ex-wife was sleeping with another in the bed, in the house with the furniture that I made for her.

@rogerbenham What did it matter if you were getting enough? If you weren't getting it & needed it or were being exposed to disease you were not being respected. You had a selfish bitch & were well rid.

@rogerbenham, @Marionville Very magnanimous of you Marje. 🤣

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