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As it’s the last day of the year I’m going to post the song which is traditionally associated with today - Auld Lang Syne. It is of course Scottish, but has been adopted by the entire world to be sung at partings, especially the departing of the old year and the embracing of a new one. The tune is an old traditional Scottish one set to words by our national bard Robert Burns, and here sung by Dougie MacLeod with his own musical arrangement.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Happy New Year….Slainte mhath! 🥃

Marionville 10 Dec 31
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Nice version.

Yes…the authentic words written by Burns.


Thank you. I have posted on Wastelook.

Happy New Year Roger!

@Marionville Happy New Year!


A beautiful song sung so wonderfully by Dougie MacLean! Thanks for sharing this one Marje, I love it!!

My pleasure.


I know the music , and I like it , and I am embarrassed to say , I don’t understand his words / lyrics 🙁. But going to Google the lyrics bcz I am a dork like that 😂
His voice is beautiful ♥️

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 31, 2021

Robert Burns (1759-96) wrote in what was the main language of the Scottish people then, most of whom lived in the lowland belt…it’s called “Lallans” which is shorthand for Lowland Scots, and is a Scottish dialect of English. Most of those living in the Highlands and Islands at that time would have only spoken Scots Gaelic or “the Gallic”. Rabbie Burns was born in Ayrshire in the southwest but moved to Edinburgh and wrote most of his best known poems and essays there. He was a very handsome man and had lots of liaisons with women from the highest to the lowest birth…and he died at a very young age of only 37. He certainly seemed to pack a lot into those 37 years!

I won a prize at school for singing one of his songs, it was an annual prize called “The Robert Burns Prize for the Best Recitation or Rendition of a Work by Our National Bard”. 😁😅. Now how about trying to get your tongue around that wordy title! ❤️

@Marionville u are a priceless gift . Wow ! Now I am watching it again knowing this . Wow . Thank u so much ♥️♥️

@Marionville 'tis a wonder that Scotland is not filled with MacBurns.

@Marionville I always love the background and history of the music you share Marje, a few others also do this 😉. My life is certainly much enriched through music since meeting you on this site!! 😘 Happy new year! 🎆

@Redheadedgammy Thank you Rhonda…that is such a lovely thing to say. You know that it gives me pleasure to share my musical knowledge with you and the others. Knowing that it’s appreciated makes it even more pleasurable…so thank you again. 🥰

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