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In 2018, sadly we lost Professor Stephen Hawking, the eminent theoretical physicist and author of A Brief History of Time, and The Theory of Everything. Vangelis, that master of epic musical scores wrote this piece of music as a tribute, incorporating Professor Hawking’s own words, and which was performed at his memorial service in London. He prefixed it with this dedication…
“Through sound and music, the language that I know best, I pay tribute and express my high esteem and respect to this extraordinary man. I imagine he will travel with the same devotion, wherever he may be, in the known unknown. Farewell Professor Hawking. - Vangelis.”.

Marionville 10 Jan 9
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They are getting better and better at filming Aurora but it still does not capture the finesse but broad strokes displays it. I have once seen a whole sky covered with aurora and it is an amazing sight. All the lines are instantaneous so in filming you loose the instantaneous

Lovely music and great hopeful words..

I had to cancel my planned trip to Norway three year ago to see the Aurora Borealis….and now I’m planning to definitely visit the country again it will be in the summer…so no chance of seeing it then!

@Marionville Very unlikely but you could. Very rarely we see it in summer. I'm at 54-1/2 North. You will be way further.

@rogerbenham I thought it would be too light…at the end of May it will be light almost round the clock.



Yes…it is!

@Marionville This kind of music makes me feel so emotional. 😍


Awesome love Vangelis also did theme for Bladerunner

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 9, 2022

Yes…he did amongst others..


Thank u for sharing . I never seen this b4, oh wow , what a way to hear his words w this music .
Thank u so much . I will share this w my friends .
Thank u ms Margie 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️♥️

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 9, 2022

I’m glad I decided to post it this morning now…! 🤗❤️


I recently watched the movie on him.

Hope you enjoyed!

@Marionville yes

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