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British Italian singer/songwriter Jack Savoretti wrote his first song in Italian in 2020 as encouragement to an Italy in lockdown (and the world), when they were suffering a large number of fatalities in the first swathe of infection with Covid 19. All proceeds of the sale of this song were donated to the San Martino di Genoa Hospital…..Andra Tutto Bene. - Everything Will Be Fine.

Marionville 10 Feb 22
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Nice song.
Yes, they have sure had a time of it.


The street scenes just made me think TG I do not live there. The song does little for me - sorry. Oh, it is in Florence. Clearly far too many people in Florence (Firenze) now.


So heartfelt and beautiful. It’s been a rough two years on everyone, but mostly on the caregivers!! Let’s hope we are on the downside of this ugly virus!! 😍

Yes…let’s hope so…and thank you to all the caregivers and medics! 👏👏🥰


I want to go home
More than ever , and this song is amazing ma’am . Italians ( so and Greeks ), different type of cockroaches 🙌. The whole world in despair, Italians will survive the day some how , and there will be music and a smile . A “ it’s gonna be ok , don’t worry about “.
Thank u for sharing this . What a life we had these 2 yrs 🦇🙁🙄💪♥️🤗

Pralina1 Level 9 Feb 22, 2022

Yes…it’s been quite a bumpy and stressful ride for some, and a very lonely and isolating one for others. I salute those …such as you my dear, who have been working tirelessly on the front line for us, and want you to know how much you are appreciated. The Italians …and the other Southern Europeans such as the Greeks, have a joy and a verve for life that we more north and westerly folks wish we had but don’t! I adore that region and hope I’ll be able to visit again some day soon. In the meantime I’ll have to content myself with Jack and his music to transport me there ! I’m so particularly pleased you enjoyed this one Pralina…I dedicate it to you and your colleagues! 👏🥰❤️

@Marionville we love u 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

@Pralina1 🤗 Hugs all round!

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