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At the present when we British are performing in full view of the entire world, what we do best, the wall to wall pageantry displayed in the rituals and customs of the accession of King Charles III to the throne after the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II, I thought I’d post this piece of British musical pageantry from Last Night At The Proms in 2009…..Thomas Arne’s patriotic song Rule Britannia sung by mezzo soprano Sarah Connolly with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and chorus.

Marionville 10 Sep 13
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So inspiring. I love it. It speaks to my heart. But I never want to return to what Britain has become since my childhood.

I don’t blame you.

@Marionville Mind you, I grew up with the farming and hunting set and Bucks county show set. Gymkhanas. Loads of tiny shops. And, oops!, we had cars and they didn't so easy to park though it took 2 hours to drive 30 miles to London and far more if smog. But I got on really well with the hardware shop owner and he invited me to join with his mates in setting off fireworks. I was a sort of go between my lot and the village lot.

@rogerbenham I think you’d probably hardly recognise the old country if you did come back.

@Marionville 27 years ago I was back. In the home counties I saw masses of not happy people and horrible wealth in Henley. My village was almost devoid of shops other than financial. In the middle of Wales and on the West Coast of Ireland I found happy, friendly people. A lot of Scotland's highlands lived under incredibly wealthy landlords (Duke of Westminster - he seems to own much of London as well).My dad bought home for 6,000 in '43, sold it in '68 for 26,000 and it is now likely worth 5 million. It has gone insane. "Mustn't grumble seemed the usual attitude.


I don't recall ever hearing the whole song.

I think it’s only ever really sung in full at The Last Night Of The Proms.

@Marionville It's always been the chorus, any time I've heard it.


Marvelous singing by Sarah, and the music is wonderful!! Love the crowd singing along!!!😍

Thanks…we Brits are a crazy lot!

@Marionville I think I might fit right in with the crazy lot!! 😘

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