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The weather has taken a decidedly chillier turn since my return from holiday in Europe at the weekend, my thoughts have turned to the coming winter months ahead and the possibility of snow in a couple of months time. That could be the reason I’ve decided to post this chilly looking video from indigenous Siberian Rock/Fusion Group OTYKEN performing Storm - in the snowy vastness of Siberia.

Marionville 10 Sep 27
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Gotta keep warm somehow!

You’d freeze to the spot if you stood still for too long!

@Marionville Very probably.


Weather: Several record hot daily records were set in British Columbia yesterday and today is set to be another. 20.6 here though the record was 22.8 in 1949 so not a record for us. But my sweat was pouring as I rototilled a section of "my yard".
To go out so far onto a lake to mime their set was pretty extreme. Not music I'd relax to.

No…I don’t think it’s meant to be relaxing!



Lorajay Level 9 Sep 27, 2022



Very cool Marje!! I feel like screaming too with the thought of power outages this winter here in Texas, since the repubs have done nothing to fix our power grid!! 😉

We seem to both be looking forward to a chilly winter Rhonda! 🤗

@Marionville I am looking forward to cooler weather for sure! We get so little of it here!! 😉

@Redheadedgammy I'm not looking forward to any more Februarys in Oklahoma like the last two have been. Just in case they are I'm going to go visit my son in Thailand then.

@Lorajay I can’t say as I blame you! Your last two February’s have been complete disasters. I hope there won’t be anything bad this year for you guys.😘

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