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One of the best bands to come from Australia, and one that should get more international recognition …is Midnight Oil. They were formed in Sydney in 1976 and had a lot of success in their native Australia and elsewhere around the world, to date they’ve sold more than 20 million albums. This song I’ve chosen is a track from their 1987 album Diesel & Dust. - The Dead Heart….

Marionville 10 Feb 18
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A referendum is to be held this year to determine if a First Nations 'Voice to Parliament' will form part of the Australian constitution.

Tourists have been banned from climbing the sacred site of Uluru since 2019.

Culturally appropriate activities abound throughout Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.


Never heard of them.

That’s a shame because they’ve been around for decades and did have some success in the USA…but maybe not in Canada…

@Marionville Probably not.


I do wonder how the aboriginals feel about white people crowding around Uluru, climbing on it and a a white band singing about the wrongs inflicted on the aboriginals. Racism against them is exceedingly high in Australia.

I think they could recognise that this band actually were trying to highlight the plight of the native aboriginal people. They were using their fame in alliance with them and not just stealing their culture, far from it…and for that reason they were glad of the raised awareness and support the band gave them.


I absolutely loved this band and became a huge fan of their music. Back in the late 80's. Thanks for posting Marje, I haven't listened to them in a long while. 😘

Oh…I’m so pleased I did then Rhonda!


Here is one that was played so much here in the US. A great message in this one!

@Redheadedgammy Yes …this one is probably better known. They’re both from the same album.


I'm not quite so cavalier and dismissive of his contributions to social democracy, the rise of green and teal female independent parliamentarians, and the impetus for environmental policy initiatives.


Peter was an excellent musician, as a politician .. not so much.

Yes…stick to what you do best mate …is my advice !

@Waitingforgodo. I really shouldn’t have passed comment as I don’t know enough about how well he fared as a politician. But I do know Peter is a great musician and very effective at communicating & highlighting injustice through his music…hence my comment above!

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