Yesterday Roger posted a song from Hungary about a butterfly and it reminded me of this song from a 2001 Norwegian film “Oyenstikker” or Dragonfly. It’s soundtrack was written by Magne Furuholmen and later his band a-ha covered this the title track on their 2002 album Lifelines, however Mags himself sings the song in the film and the rawer and more fragile tones of his voice really suit the song ..perhaps better than the smoother a-ha version with Morten Harket on vocals….I’m posting both so I’ll let you be the judge…
Prepare yourself for a shock, M! I prefer your beloved's version. Magne's is too whispy. Dragonflies are not whispy. They are quiet aggressive. Mating is pure rape.
Nature isn’t gentle or timid that’s for sure Roger.
Mags isn’t really a vocalist…he’s a multitalented musician who plays many instruments, writes great songs and lyrics …and is an internationally recognised sculptor & artist. Morten is the one who can really sing, that’s why he’s the vocalist in the group.
I love Mags voice. He has his own style of singing that is, as you said, rawer and more fragile. Mortens singing is in a class all to itself.
Yes…definitely. I agree on both counts.
It's really a tough call! One is more uplifting I think, but the tenderness of the other version is sweet and evocative. I'm going to be a sissy and call it a tie.
…me too!
Just noticed how the dragonfly moves it's two sets of wings in the opposite directions. Heard of this before but never seen it until now.
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