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Highlighting the international aspect of music and how music produced by artists and bands in one part of the world can prove to be extremely popular in a different corner or continent. Here is a song by Norwegian group a-ha about loneliness during Autumn nights in England accompanied by a video made for viewers in Brazil (hence the Portuguese subtitles) where the band has a large and enthusiastic fan base. From their second album Scoundrel Days which was released on 6th October 1986. - October - a-ha….

Marionville 10 Oct 8
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Reminds me a bit of Petshop Boys

They have been around for the same length of time..both Pet Shop Boys & a-ha started out in London in the early 80s using synths…but a-ha became much more diverse, diverging from synth into rock, blues and jazz based music using more traditional guitar/drum instrumentation. The two bands are good friends with each other and Neil Tennant wrote a song for Morten Harket to sing on one of his solo albums. Both bands have been very successful…Pet Shop Boys have more than 50 million records sales, and a-ha double that number at over 100 million worldwide.

@Marionville It interests me that I get much more notice picking pop music than classical. I am rapidly losing interest in pop.

@rogerbenham Pop is a vast genre, and more people listen to it than any other type of music…so it stands to reason…

@Marionville To me the difference is that Classical requires some education and what I see is a lack thereof.

@rogerbenham It’s a mistake to lump all pop music together under one catch all label. Good, we’ll written pop music can be as complex and as challenging to perform as classical music. “Pop” is just a shortened form of popular. The popular classical music we are familiar with today was the pop music of its time.

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