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Children of celebrities often follow in the footsteps of their parents, showbiz kids inherit looks and talent of course, and that combined with their name and industry contacts often gives them a distinct advantage. French singer David Hallyday is the son of French rock idol Johnny Hallyday and actress/singer Sylvie Vartan, so it was probably inevitable that he’d succeed as a singer, songwriter, actor and racing driver. He’s had a long and successful career in France and around Europe and is now aged 57, but I’m posting this when he was only 22 and took his song High to #1 in the French charts…the first of many….

Marionville 10 Nov 26
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I wonder if I'd like it better in French! 35 years ago I was tucked into the Rockies with 8,000 feet mountains all around me and pop music peculiarly bouncing off the stratosphere in a fade-in fade-out basis from far distant Drumheller complete with its dynosaurs with a 2 hour program devoid of ads on Saturday evening, Otherwise we had one CBC news programme similar to the old BBC Home Service. David Hallyday did not penetrate to Dunster, BC.
Oh, by the way, Happy Stir Up Sunday, M.

What is Stir Up Sunday ? Can’t say I’ve heard of it Roger…

@Marionville C of E, Sunday next before Advent, has a "collect" prayer starts off "Stir up we beseech thee etc" and was known as "Stir Up Sunday" as it was the traditionally the day that we stirred up the Christmas Pudding before leaving it precooked until the 25th.

@rogerbenham Never being “churched” in any denomination I wasn’t aware of the term!

@Marionville I had no choice. I went to C of E schools each with its own church. I guess that that part of school I loved as I was always in the choir usually singing the solos.It's just that I never believed in their god. I was even part of a my age group confirmation with the Bishop of Oxford laying his hands on me. My mother never went but my father often did as he was the treasurer. Our vicar came up every Sunday lunchtime and had a couple of G&T's on our verandah. I liked his daughter. We toboganned together.


Yeah, a lot of that is seen with the kids & grandkids carrying it on.

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