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🎄On Christmas Day I couldn’t not post something from Handel’s Messiah which was first performed in Dublin in April 1742, but is now a Christmas Day essential. I’ve decided not to post the Hallelujah Chorus but my own favourite chorus from the oratorio - For Unto Us A Child Is Born… sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir…

Marionville 10 Dec 25
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M, you see far more commented on you putting just one excerpt with a huge choir and largely ignored my offering. Possibly because I put mine in Classical whilst you in World Music. You still could put the whole Messiah up.

Yes…maybe I’ll do that tomorrow. I don’t as a rule put a whole concert or complete work up as most people don’t want to listen or watch for 1 to 2 hours.

@Marionville Which I do often partly because most of the music I play comes in concert form. I leave it up to them to sample if they want. Some of what people put up I just sample, possibly because of time but more likely that I not too attracted.

@rogerbenham I hope you’re having a nice day Roger, what are you doing? Are you celebrating in any way by eating or drinking something special, as well as listening to music. Here is a complete Messiah which you may like to listen to..

@Marionville I am very much alone as usual but I shall be going out to Christmas with my lockdown bubble. Towards this end I spent 5 hours yesterday making chocolate mousse. I am no cook. I had no need to learn even being fed at Durham University. 500 pounds a year was pretty good value albeit 1968 money. I am also providing local organic chicken and bacon.
I find that I am not really lonely but of course I wish Jeannie had not died, though she might have been instrumental in keeping me alive through all of those operations. But 40 years in the bush made me content with myself. I miss the warmth of her body beside me and her company out walking or just sitting quietly together.
Alcohol and I seem to have parted company. An occasional Carolans diluted with milk or light cream. I do not enjoy the alcohol taste anymore. I think back to 18 year old pub days to play darts and men of our now age nursing a half pint for the whole evening.But even then I knew 3 pints was pushing my limit.
I was heavily scammed and I am intent on paying off debt. I've paid off $11,000 in 6 months but I still have a long way to go. I've been living off less than $1,000 a month US$750.
I spend far too much time on the internet watching youtubes and Facebook reels. It is just as bad as the reason I quit television in 1979. Flickering screen.
At this age I cannot imagine getting to know another woman and accepting all her quirks and oddities. Jeannie sure had some odd ones but I just accepted them and loved her fully, maybe did not bother to question them. But her presence motivated me to do far more than I do now.I don't even read as much.Most of my music actually is tied up with Agnostic. My stereo still is not connected.
I am content and accept. I have no fear of death, rather looking forward to it. I fear I might live until 90 and would rather die before getting too infirm.

@Marionville Will others see that you posted this?

@rogerbenham They’ll only see it if they look…it’s really just for you. I live on my own but am not lonely either, I still have the choir of course and lots of good friends, mostly female. I’m not interested in another romantic attachment eirher Roger. I’m happy with my memories. Happy Christmas Roger, enjoy the company of your friends, I’m sure the chocolate mousse will be delicious!

@Marionville The mousse was more like a huge bowl of petit pot a chocolat. You know the really high end stuff you get in very expensive restaurants. Everyone adored it. Terribly rich. 40 oz of very dark dutch chocolate, 2 litres of 34% cream. 12 egg yolks, 1/2 lb butter, 2 tablespoons pure vanilla essence, teaspoon coffee powder. But really 5 hours making it ! Need to be more organised. They were the family who have so cared for me this year.


Oh, I remember this one! "And his name shall be called....WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS..." well, not so often these days!

pamagain Level 8 Dec 25, 2023

I really enjoyed singing the Messiah over the years, but it takes stamina to sing the entire oratorio and I think I’m a bit out of condition now that I haven’t sung it for some years.

@Marionville I have faith in you! We'd need to train our vocal cords for while....but we'd find that i's always a pogression


There's a lot of fantastic music in the 'Messiah." I used to listen to the whole thing despite the wording. I actually wore out my cassette tape.

jackjr Level 7 Dec 25, 2023

I’ve sung it over the past 50 + years many times …however not recently. I don’t really listen to the whole thing now very often…just the bits I enjoy most.

@Marionville I remember, in Heidelberg, the main church, Holy Ghost Church, it was sung, in English, every year. One year I got to sit right next to the choir.


You see you chose almost a different piece from mine. I think you should have put it all on. Most people might prefer such a vast choir!


Always a treat at Xmas time!! 🎄

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