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Even being on an island does not insulate us from culture. Last night we had a Scottish group Windborne. It was different from the link. Four guys, 1 guitar, 2 Fiddles and one odd bagpipe.

jackjr 7 Jan 19
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What a treat for your community Jack…they are really good…the.close harmonies are beautiful in tone and balance. I had never heard of them and as you said they were Scottish I was interested to find out more….although my ears had already picked up that they were more likely from North America and didn’t have the Scots “burr”, but an American way of pronunciation. This is what I found on them….

Thank you for the new information. I found out they are to return on Feb. 8 at our community center. As I said to JUlia808 we are about community. We are in 3rd place in size and population but we make up for this in our zeal. We have one of the top small libraries in the state and the community Center and Family Resource Center is the top in the county. As far as classical music, the largest island, Orcas Island has an annual national festival mainly because of it's natural setting and unusual shape. []
[] However, some of the musicians bring their performance to Lopez.


Thoughtful, inspirational and beautiful! What a warm sound they have! Lucky you to have this wonderful entertainment on your island!

Julie808 Level 8 Jan 19, 2024

We sometimes get groups that the other islands don't. Here it's about community. I like to say; bigger is not better, better is better. They are returning in Feb. Here's a adverb from our community center for the group. [] the video

@jackjr We get mostly island music here, with the "best of the best" coming around once a year or so for special concerts. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to hear and see music from around our islands and sometimes from around the world here, even in my small community. Music, to me anyway, is something that can bring people together no matter what their backgrounds, religion and history is. Beauty is beauty, whether in sound or visual.

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