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We will soon be at midsummer in just over a month’s time to be accurate and in the most northerly countries the sun will never set …in Iceland for instance. They’ll have festivals and music to celebrate, but the down side of that of course is the fact that for large parts of the winter months they’re in almost total darkness when at best, a few hours of daylight penetrates the grey. This makes them pretty melancholic in their outlook and that’s reflected in their music. Here, Solstafir, who are a band whose music takes its influence from the Icelandic sagas but with a minimalist modern twist, tells tales with recurring themes of murder, suicide and revenge. This short film accompanies their song Fjara which means Beach in English.

…and as an antidote to all that melancholy…the Midnight Sun in Iceland…
Marionville 10 May 19
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I seem to feel I've seen the coffin dragging before. Why did she do it? Why did he not help?

I spent 6 weeks at Mayo in Yukon's heart around june 21st, when we had a party starting at 11pm. We stood around outside waiting for it to get dark but it got light instead. I think we were within 100 miles of the arctic circle.

I can’t answer your questions…some hidden meaning no doubt. Part of Yukon is inside Arctic circle too of course, as is Alaska…


That first one is very dark! 😳 The second song, is really nice, and the video is great.

I experienced the land of the midnight sun when I lived in Alaska for 3 years as a child. My mom had to put aluminum foil on the windows so it would be dark enough to sleep!! 😉

Of course! I didn’t know you’d lived in Alaska when you were a kid!

@Marionville Yes, I lived there for 3 years when my father was in the Air Force. We lived two years in Anchorage and 1 year in Fairbanks. We were there when the big earthquake hit in 1964.

I got to see the northern lights for the first time in Alaska too. I was 7 years old. 🥰

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