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Something a little different – In Italian (English below). Part of the overpopulation collection of environmental songs (and anti-religious) “Il testamento di Tito

One major female contributor on the Overpopulation site • gaiabaracetti, wrote:
Did a human or AI write this translation?
The song is a masterpiece. The whole album is unbelievable. It’s like he understood the Gospels better than the Church… and he was a great poet in the Italian language (and later in his Genoa dialect). P.S. I should specify that Tito is supposed to be one of the thieves crucified besides Jesus.

You shall have no other God before me
It often made me think
Different people who came from the east
They said that in the end it was the same
They believed in someone different from you
And they did not hurt me
They believed in someone different from you
And they did not hurt me
Do not take the name of God
Do not take it in vain
With a knife stuck in my side
I shouted my pain and his name
But maybe he was tired, maybe too busy
And he did not listen to my pain
But maybe he was tired, maybe too far away
I really took his name in vain
Honor your father, honor your mother
And honor their staff too
Kiss the hand that broke your nose
Because you asked her for a bite
When my father’s heart stopped
I felt no pain
As for my father’s heart stopped
I felt no pain
Remember to sanctify the holidays
Easy for us thieves
To enter the temples that regurgitate psalms
Of slaves and their masters
Without ending up tied to altars
Slaughtered like animals
Without ending up tied to altars
Slaughtered like animals
The fifth says you must not steal
And perhaps I respected him
Emptying, in silence, the pockets already bulging
Of those who had stolen
But I, without law, stole in my name
Those others in the name of God
But I, without law, stole in my name
Those others in the name of God
Do not commit acts that are not pure
That is, do not waste the seed
Impregnate a woman every time you love her
So you will be a man of faith
Then the desire vanishes and the child remains
And hunger kills many
I, perhaps, have confused pleasure and love
But I have not created pain.
The seventh says do not kill
If you want to be worthy of heaven
Look at it today, this law of God
Three times nailed in wood
Look at the end of that Nazarene
And one thief does not die less
Look at the end of that Nazarene
And one thief does not die less
Do not bear false witness
And help them kill a man
They know divine law by heart
And they always forget forgiveness
I have sworn perjury on God and on my honor
And no, I feel no pain
I have sworn perjury on God and on my honor
And no, I feel no pain
Do not desire other people’s stuff
Do not desire their wife
Tell those, ask the few
Who have a woman and something
In the beds of others already warm with love
I have felt no pain
Yesterday’s envy is not over
Tonight I envy your life
But now that evening and darkness are coming
It takes the pain away from my eyes
And the sun slides beyond the dunes
To rape others nights
I see this man dying
Mother, I feel pain
In the pity that does not yield to rancor
Mother, I have learned love.

pedigojr 7 June 30
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Wow! Powerful words!

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