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An American pop singer sings an English early 18th century folk song which originated as a Cotswald Village Morris Dance tune and which was first collected by Cecil Sharpe from the fiddle playing of William Kimber in 1906. Then Australian composer/arranger Percy Grainger rearranged it for piano and.orchestra, popularising the tune, in 1918. In 1960 words were added to the song by Tin Pan Alley lyricist Robert M. Jordan who put an Americanised slant on the idea of what we’d find in an English country garden….and Jimmie Rogers took the song to #5 in the UK charts in 1962…English Country Garden….

Marionville 10 July 17
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I'll always prefer this without words. This is too much a candy floss version.

Yes…I agree.


No wonder my pre teenage self loved this song!

FrayedBear Level 9 July 17, 2024

Now you know why then!

@Marionville yes thank you. My love of folk music started very early in life in early primary school.
I have since come to suspect that Carl Orff's Schulwerk was experienced at 5 or 6.

@Marionville the reason for your 😲?

@FrayedBear Because that’s a very early age…I was surprised.

@Marionville Am I mistaken, was there another composer who came up with a method of building musical knowledge from an early age that he wrote hours of music for?

@Marionville see [] & reference to using national folk music

@FrayedBear We were taught music and song in much the same way in Primary school in Scotland…but I didn’t realise it was using an actual named method. Love much of Carl Orff’s music…didn’t realise he was a music theorist and methodologist too though.

@Marionville it was only when I bought a large box set of the Schulwerk music that it dawned on me.

@Marionville I've just watched a movie of an event, previously unknown to me before tonight, that probably had far more influence on your life than mine Marge -


@FrayedBear Stuart Sutcliffe…”the lost Beatle”. I was never really much of a Beatles fan Richard…my mother liked them, the kiss of death when you’re a teenager. I will admit Lennon & McCartney did write some really great songs which they’ll be remembered for more than their actual singing and musical talent. They were certainly a very influential band and revolutionised the music sound of the 60s and many other artists who came after.

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