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On Remembrance Sunday the saddest Scottish song ever written, originally as a bagpipe lament after the Scots’ defeat by England in 1513 at Flodden Field .
Jean Elliot added words, written in the Scots dialect…The Floo’ers O’ the Forest (are a’ wede away), to the tune in 1756. The bagpipe version is now usually just called “The Lament” and is played at services of remembrance and funerals, and at other solemn occasions, throughout the British Commonwealth and other parts of the world. The Flowers of the Forest - Isla St. Clair (a Capella)…🌺

Marionville 10 Nov 10
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I found this under Browse. No notice to my alerts. Agnostic wants me gone as far as I can see. My postings get no comments
This may be a fitting tune to end my association. Ah well, it will free up 40 of my tabs.
Nice to have had association with you all.
Bye, Roger,

The site has a glitch Roger…I really don’t think it’s anything personal towards you. It seems I’m one of the few who seem to be unaffected…perhaps because I live on the other side of the world…or because of the device I use to login on. Who knows, but unless I gets fixed soon I can see me posting and responding to myself!

If it’s goodbye for good from you…I’d like to wish you the very best wishes and just say it’s been a pleasure communicating with you..if not always insync at least your critiques were interesting and valuable. is where you can find me if you wish…..

@Marionville Thanks for this. I wil keep checking but my posts not being see render me a bit helpless.. From I see under Browse, you are indeed one of the only ones as well as some right wing posters. We know that some Christians hate any critism of their faith and could be aggressive towards us.


Beautiful and heartfelt ❤️

Yes…she’s a beautiful singer.


A delightful rendition beautifully enunciated & how wonderful to hear the pipes. What an amazing instrument that can lull a bairn to sleep, send an enemy screaming from the battlefield at the sound of it or reduce men to tears on hearing it.

And how sad that the modern equivalent, although very poignant just does not have the gravitas of the lament "Flowers o'the Forrest"
Here's Joan Baez giving her tribute to Pete Seeger with his song in his 1994 honour concert at the Kennedy Centre:

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 10, 2024

Yes…but Seeger’s song is still a good one with a salutary message. Joan Baez was never a favourite singer of mine…but I like her singing this one.

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