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Today I’m posting another video requested by @puff…it’s - Bella Caio, which was originally written as a protest song in the 19th century in support of the harsh working conditions of the women who worked in the paddy fields of Northern Italy, and which was later taken up by the partisans of the Nazi resistance in WW2. Here it’s being performed live on the Friesian Proms 2023 in Leewarden, Netherlands by The Dutch Tenors…a full orchestra and over 20 horses!…

Marionville 10 Dec 18
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WOW! Thanks!

pamagain Level 8 Dec 18, 2024

"This is the flower of the Partisan who died for freedom" - well found & chosen @puff I'm not sure how significant it is given the two fascist led genocides occurring in Ukraine & Israel both pointing back to USA. Furthermore although the conjoining of the singing with the horses dancing is fascinating I always ask "were the animals trained by violence & do they enjoy their "dancing"?"

May I suggest David Rovics album "Survivors from a Holocaust"

I found track 4 particularly poignant - dead children having WCNSF written on their dead body

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 18, 2024

Ah @puff & @Marionville you give the disinterested emoji on my comments in this reply.
What shallow narcissistic people you must be?

The type berated recently by a woman worthy of respect, the UN Special Raporteur Francesca Albanese -

@FrayedBear a disinterested emoji would be nothing. i see it as the sober demeanor emoji rather than a like.


@FrayedBear "concern" is how I interpret it. And btw accusing others of being narcistic because they respond in a way that you don't approve of to something you posted is a tad narcistic in itself.

@FrayedBear Did you see? Biden now pardons terrorists who behead Americans.

@puff I'm the messenger

@puff I'm told that is what you get when you elect a cocaine addict to be your president.

@puff a senile one at that. Trumps not looking any more rational.

@FrayedBear biden's still got a month to fuck things up, he ain't finished yet

@puff I see that Trump wants the Panama canal back & claims the seppo navy & merchant marine is being ripped off.. He could be very annoyed if someone puts a big hole in the canal preventing its use by shipping.

@puff now reported that USA behind the Assad overthrow.

@FrayedBear Hillary will be pleased

@puff try for interesting lyrics from David Rovics:



A real delight! 🥰

I’ve heard the song sung by other artists before…and really like this version!

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