American country music has crossed many oceans and has a big following and home grown artists in most English speaking countries including Australia. Compass Brothers from Sydney is one such recording group….here in concert with friends performing Way Out West…
Just encountered the following video & remember being told by someone who said that they had met & talked to Roger Whittaker about 50 years ago. They said that he was the most boring man they had ever encountered.
He performed some delightful music though:
He was a favourite of my mother.
@Marionville I have & still do enjoy his performances.
Yankee hegemony at its worst.
What sad people these are who cannot develop their own music developed from the cultural contributions brought to Australia from their ancestors originating locales.
How sick. Adulation of music from a country that has created through its creation of conflicts around the world for its own selfish interests that have resulted in the murder of millions. The latest of course being the Jewish slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Israel, Russians & Ukrainians in Ukraine & Russia.
What is wrong with you people?
American country music is very popular in Ireland …in both parts of the island, north and south. It’s not because they haven’t got a traditional music heritage’ here…that’s very popular with everyone too. It’s not an either or situation, it’s a matter of diversity and choice. Personally I’m not a big fan of American country music…but that’s just a personal preference.
@Marionville sadly here in Australia they not only slavishly choose to listen to it but also write song lyrics having vague connection to Australia but also musically sounds like it. Ugh!
Some of us have gotten to call this 'Country, Hick Music'. My mother listened to this a lot and, hearing it so much we got to like some pieces. Funny, but dad was just the opposite and loved Classical. Guess which one we ended up listening to.
I guess it wasn’t American country music!
@Marionville It was. I once wrote a piece about what happens when country music is played backwards. You get your car, dog, wife and other things back. Our country music was often moaning about things one had lost.
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