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As today is the 1st of March…and that means it’s St David’s Day (Sf David is the patron saint of Wales) …so I thought we’d honour the Welsh on their national day by posting their adopted national anthem - Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers). Massed band and chorus with celebrated Welsh baritone Bryn Terfel…🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Marionville 10 Mar 1
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Iechyd da!


Where did the Welsh language come from? It seem so totally different from English but yet is a part of the country.

pedigojr Level 7 Mar 1, 2025

It’s a very ancient Celtic language and in fact is the oldest language spoken in Britain today with its origins lying in the Bryonthic language spoken by the ancient Britons. It’s most closely related to Cornish and Breton. The Romans who invaded Britain in 44 BC are known to have recorded many Welsh words and incorporated them into Latin.

@Marionville Thank you for this interesting bit of history. Apparently the Welsh are very proud of their heritage and it looks like the language will stay.
By the way, I learned a new word last night. I would like to post it but we all know how that will work or not.
It was from the Antiques Road Trip and one of the people were visiting a famous library which has ancient books many are 1sts additions. Incunable, refers to books printed prior to 1500.

@pedigojr From Latin incunabulum (pl. incunabula) meaning infancy or early beginnings of something,

The term really refers to books which were hand made not mass produced because they were made prior to the invention of the mechanical printing press by Johannes Gutenberg mid 15th century,. 1500 is taken as a rounding off date after which printed books became easier to manufacture.

@Marionville The thing I love about the show is the details the historical scenes go into. Of course most of the books in this library are religious in nature.

I had a 'fun' morning. While getting dressed the whole house shook and the dresser, in front of me, started to rattle. We had an earthquake, centered just west of Bellingham and went as far as Victoria BC. It was 4.5 and only lasted a short while. No damage. It was a 'friendly' reminder of where we live.

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