3 1

UTE LEMPER ~ Moritat von mecky Messer (Mack The Knife - Sung In German) ~ for all my German speaking friends on here. I love her enunciation and sense of theatre:

If you have a problem with the link there is a workaround given below.

@Spinliesel, @Germangirl, @MrLizard

FrayedBear 9 Apr 3
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@Admin There seems to be a problem in that the above link refuses to work through your program. If the right hand arrow is pressed and the "play in YouTube" selected it plays if copied and pasted into a browser it plays. Presseing the red play arrow here simply results in a "not available message" as noted by @Marionville below.


This one us unavailable to me ....sorry....will go find it myself, so don’t worry.

*Here is a workaround 😘

  1. Press long on the white arrow in the right-hand corner of the picture - see the first photo. This obtains drop-down menu in photo 2.
  2. Press copy URL from menu first item. Photo 2
  3. Bring up web browser and long press on URL bar to obtain "paste" or "paste & go" menu. Photo 3.
  4. Press "paste and go"
  5. Sit back & enjoy the video! Photo 4.

@FrayedBear Thanks....have listened on YouTube. Heard it a lifetime ago anyway....both her version and Lotte Lenya....both good, no opinions of which I prefer.


Ja, vielen Dank, Frayed Bear. Ute is pretty cool, as German torch singers go.

Aha, perhaps you prefer Lotte?

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