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Adios Pampa Mia. My Dad was born in Argentina and lived there until he was 29 years old; this was one of his most favorite songs and it tugs at my heart strings whenever I hear it, because I remember how he yearned to go back to the pampas where he was born ... in the province of Chubut. The details of the performers is shown in the introduction to the video. Yes, I'm very familiar with the Julio Iglesias version, and it is beautiful ... but this one dating from 1946 is more authentic.
Here is the lyrics in English:

Goodbye, my pampa !…
I’m leaving… I’m leaving for strange lands
Goodbye, roads that I have travelled,
rivers, hills and ravines,
the shack where I was born.
If we don’t see each other again,
my loved land,
I want you to know
That in my departure I leave my life
Goodbye !. . .In leaving you, my pampa
My eyes and my soul get filled
With the green of your grass
and the trembling of the stars;
with the singing of the winds
and the weeping of the guitars
That sometimes made me happy
And other times made me cry.Goodbye . . . my Pampa
I’m leaving on the road of hope
Goodbye, plains that I have galloped
paths, hills and ravines
Places where I have dreamed.
I will return to your soil
when I have a premonition
That my soul is escaping
Like a dove, up to the sky.
Goodbye !
I’m leaving, my pampa! …
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dede18 8 June 7
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DUCHESSA Level 8 June 23, 2019

!Esta cancio'n es una de mis predilectas!

john-henry Level 5 June 8, 2019

@dede18 Translates as "Is one of my favorites."

Si bien es un tango-canción precioso...yo prefiero el Cambalache.

Although is a beautiful tango-canción, I prefer "The Cambalache".

@dede18 Was your father from the province of La Pampa or he went -as many did- by the expresión "Adiós Pampa Mía".?

@dede18 Well, that's is way south from La Pampa state / region........i have family in Trelew.


Carlos Gardel was our Latin America Frank Sinatra. He sings a pretty good version if I can find it!


He sings with real emotion and can tell he has a real connection with the words of this song. Good that you feel connected to the memory of your father when you hear it. I often play music that reminds me of my father in particular, as he was the one I inherited my love of singing and music in general from.

@dede18 Thanks. I see that!

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