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I may had included the original version before but the first time I heard this song was in Spanish by "Alberto Carrion and Raices" in the University Of Puerto Rico Auditorium, Few songs ever affected me so much. Granted, I was under the Influence of mescaline and I remember writing a few versions now trapped on a "crashed hard drive". I am waiting for the technology to restore it will drop prices. They will have to Open it up on a vacuumed air free environment. The Original Version is in Portuguese with English lyrics included. In one of my versions inspired by this song... "a single secretary that just found out that is pregnant with her married boss child goes to the office Break Room where there is a large microwave oven... she fill it up with things that will make it explode and with so much energy that she is thrown through a broken glass window into the middle of the air 20 stories high and so she floats as she creates names for the baby."
Well the Song "Construcao".... "Construction" by Chico Buarque in the second link. Pardon me if already offered.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Mar 3
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Preferred the gentle first half.

Once the traffic gets interrupted by the fallen body... it is going to be chaos. Drivers got a place to reach... not interested on a dissaster that will make them late. There is always the posibility they may know who it is. I remember passing by a small plaza were a lot of former junkies in the Methadone Program hung out since the clinic was in front of the plaza... I saw a guy knelling in the middle of the street... somebody said... "he just got shot". The driver kept driving after shoting him. I just kept walking without trying to see the guy if alive or dead. A week later a girl I was dating told me her cousin got shot and killed that same day. What was more interesting was that a week earlier we were in the same car, a friend who knew him gave me a ride to a Club. You never know what is ahead of you... Could be Chaos and once it start it may not want to stop. If you get into the lyrics of the song... it will prepare you to the Chaotic second half.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Different world from mine.

@rogerbenham You got to Live until you Die or if you beat Death.... You can live some more... I had been Kidnapped, Carjacked, Shot at, Stab, Cut and I am still Here... Never Lost a Fist Fight that I remember... But been 28 years since last thrown Punch or Kick to the Head. Had Wrecked a Few Cars, 2 in Europe. Never been a single second behind bars or ever been handcuffed or arrested. Lived in 5 Nations, 3 in Europe. Looking for the Start to the Next Chapter Returning Home were Everything Started... knowing that one day I am going to Die and they will say... He Died Happy on his Sleep and his Ashes will be Returned where he belong... Returned to Davy Jones Locker still in Love with Calypso.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Makes me realise what a sheltered life I’ve led!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Yes well I've not had any of that, yet I escaped or more likely I have been guided from death maybe 14 times. I seem to be protected which makes me wonder why. Is there some important task I still have to perform. I've lived a dangerous life but never danger from people. At least I have no fear of death and usually I can take pain without pain killers. I am waiting for Khidr. I don't care what they say about me as long as it gives them satisfaction to say it.

@rogerbenham I had posted in this website somewhere how I convinced 4 murderers that killing me was the End of their Freedom if not their Lives. I was Carjacked and they took me with the car... My Pregnant Wife Medical Record was in the Car on that Friday Night and the previous day, FBI started a Seek and Arrest Operation of the Leaders and Members of a "Pseudo Terrorist" group in Puerto Rico and was All Over the News their Operation. So me being a Native of the Island US Naval Sailor, My Death won't be investigated by the Local Police, it will be a Total Federal Operation and they if arrested, alive will end up living their Jail Time in a Federal Prison were only "English is Spoken" and Far Away from any of their relatives... in other words, No Visits and a Very Hostile Prison Population. I told them you are not terrorists, your life is worth nothing but a bullet to the Federals. They let me go in the middle of nowhere Naked... I went walking until I found an Open Bar... 2 Cops Off-Duty where there and took me to my home after Informing my Military Base. (Happen to be a Small Spy Base, not far from San Juan, less 30 mins drive). After letting me go they Murdered an Armed Guard to steal his gun and tried to put the Crime on me. Leaving things of the victim in my car... of course they ditched my car. Need not to say that FBI came and saw me and took me to their Operation Headquarters that happened to be in a hidden Warehouse in the Small Base were I was Stationed. My grandmother that raised me told me I was born sick and took a few years to clear me in good health. As a child I knew that any punch in my nose will make me bleed from the nose so I fought as a maniac and bleeding from the nose meant nothing to me... nothing to worry about. My only worry was the untrue statement that "he broke your nose"... guess only I knew my nose was not broken and seeing blood was normal to me. I always carried a nickel to put it on my forehead and keeping it from dropping looking up. Walked away from bad car crashes. During my Carjack/Kidnap incident I saw a police car coming from opositive direction and I was willing to grab the wheel and turned to the police car to cause a collusion and accident despite having a gun in each side of my ribs. But something on me told me "Easy don't cause your death, easy you still can walk off this alive". Reckon if I ever get murdered those who know me will ask the question... Did a Woman did it? Was a Woman involved? I will chase Women until I die and at 66 don't seems that I will ever need viagra. I had lived my life, my way, my will. I am ending an experiment I started 40 years ago. I am coming back home for Good.

@Marionville Nothing wrong with having a Sheltered Life, gave one to my kids and still was not enough to keep one of them Here. With all Women of so many countries in my resume and can say that I never had a Broken Heart. If I did I didn't noticed... oh the joy of being that dumb. Lost Oportunities? I will write a verse, a poem, a song. I admit maybe, just maybe the Love of My Life came and went by me and I didn't realized... maybe, just maybe. And then again... Looking forward for the Next Inspiration because My Exposed Heart is itching for some Action and Chaos. Maybe it is how I Shelter my Heart... Loving without Fear!!!!!!

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