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I'm confused. Saw some Federal Labor dude on the news talking about the new legislation needed so the govt Covid19 tracking app can get going. Said it's in the public interest blah blah blah a bipartisan bill supported by both parties blah blah blah. He then emphasised that using and downloading the app would be totally voluntary and it would be illegal for others other than health officials to access information collected blah blah blah, how you can't be forced to download it or be discriminated against because you don't have the app blah blah blah. Nothing to see here, perfectly safe for our safety.

I rubbed my two brain cells together, stopped breathing for a moment, and thought: If it's totally voluntary, then why is legislation needed?

powder 8 Apr 26
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BTW, people the Amazon Company, U.S.A. will be handling ALL the info, etc, that this 'wonder app.' collects.
So how much is being paid from the Public Purse to Amazon for their services I wonder?

Triphid Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Adam Bandt claims that the data will be kept by a US company.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Will there be statistics showing how many politicians, government employees , police and military personnel use the app?

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Legislation, a means by which governments can tell you that what THEY want from is voluntary BUT it is LEGALLY required anyway.
Well, ScumMo & Co. IF you want me to upload this app. to my phone ( which I don't have btw) then first you will need to pass a LAW that provides me with said phone in the first place because I will NOT be spending MY money to either buy a phone that I don't want or need OR to buy a phone that will only add to the profits of a Mobile Phone Service.
I have been in credit to Telstra with my Land-line now for over 12 months thanks to just having a home land-line and I can get plenty of peace and quiet because I can go outside, out of ear-shot and not be pestered by some gadget ringing and beeping every minute or so.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

You require others to know your number and desire to phone you before your phone rings.

I have 4 phone numbers and on average receive one phone call per number per week.

@FrayedBear Geez Louise, haven't you ever heard of a Telephone Directory down there where you live.
Up here we get a NEW one delivered every year and it IS updated ever year as well.
Ididn't realise that Victoria was so far behind the 8 ball so to speak.

@Triphid None of my phone numbers are listed in the local directory. You do not have to be listed - it used to be called a silent number.

@FrayedBear It still is and it still cost you extra to have in case you are unaware of that fact.
Plus, phone companies everywhere have access to both 'silent' and ordinary numbers anyway.
And the 'Do Not Call' lists are about as useful as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest.

@powder They can exert any 'force' they so desire by simply saying that "It is for the good and benefit of the Nation as a whole."
But I WILL stand on my right as an individual person and REFUSE point blank to have a mobile phone UNLESS they give me their solemn word that,
A) they WILL pay for it, all costs,etc, included,
B) their iron-clad guarantee in writing that NO information will be retained, sold on to any other comany, service, etc, post or during the Pandemic, and,
C) they accept in a written assurance that THEY accept all cost incrued from such phone for EVERY PERSON they 'force' to have said phone and app. installed AND NO monies are spent from the Public Purse as well.
Under the International Bill of Human Rights as per the United Nations, we cannot be forced/coerced into having something that we do not wish to have UNLESS it is a vaccination against diseases, etc, and then and only then can it be 'for the health and safety of the People as a whole.'

@Triphid Sounds like paranoia.

@FrayedBear What, are you a Psychiatrist as well then?
Is it a sumptom of'paranoia to want to stand up for own individual rights?
No, paranoia means something entirely different FYI.

@Triphid no problem in rights. I have problems wih your assertion that do not call register & silent numbers don't work. I have stated my position and exposure on mobile. That your single phone continuously rings I find peculiar.

@FrayedBear That is because it is LISTED in the phone book.

You are master of your own destiny.

@Triphid It has been an enlightening exchange Tony. TY

@FrayedBear That's right and I will have the destiny that I have chosen for myself, not the destiny someone else decides I should have.

@Triphid With 5G it may not be possible.

@FrayedBear ONLY if one uses 5G networking phones though or any mobile phones for that matter.
Come up here and under 30+ kilometres from town you have absolutely NO signal what-so-ever.
This why the Sheep Cockies around here ALL have satellite phones and not mobile phones.

@Triphid You are in town & will probably have one within metres.

@FrayedBear Yes, I live in town and less than 1 kilometre away there is Mobile Phone Repeater Tower but whenever we got out bush to get firewood youcan bank on there being No Signal available for a Mobile Phone that my friend, Alan, always has with him.
And as for this crap about micro-wave radiation, etc, from mobile phones and towers WELL you get far more micro-radiation from you Micro-wave Oven in your kitchen than is emanating from a mobile phone or from a mobile phone tower.
UHF, VHF and Micro-wave signal ONLY travel in straight lines from tower to tower and from tower to phone and back again unlike other radio signals in the lower frequency bands, such as AM radio, Shortwave Radio, that can be reflected off of the Ionosphere ( bounced) Micro-waves, etc, cannot be reflected off of the Ionosphere nor can they follow the curvature of the earth either.
That is one of the first things one learns, besides Morse Code and electronics, etc, when one gains their Amateur Radio Operators Licence as I did way back in my late teens.

@Triphid Within2 minutes of the video on "Make up your own mind - 5G mobile network

[]" it is explained that this is a new ball park.


Legislation on how it can be used and by whom. I am still in the "over my rotting copse" camp on this one. I don't have a phone that would accept it and I hardly ever have my phone on me. It is a great alarm clock so it lives beside my bed. If I have it on me it is turned off unless I need to use it or I know someone is going to try and contact me. My friends all know this and accept it.

Budgie Level 8 Apr 26, 2020
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