aussie sceptics

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Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.

Posts Tagged "corruption" By Triphid (264) Posts by members only

aussie sceptics
Apr 16Apr 16

Posted by FrayedBear
James Packer’s ties with Israeli PM and spy chief became ‘national risk’ .
aussie sceptics
Aug 12, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by FrayedBear
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese busted protecting Peter Dutton with a fake corruption Inquiry BY SHANE DOWLING ON AUGUST 13, 2023
aussie sceptics
Aug 12, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by vocaloldfart
I bought a NEW Truck a couple of months ago, but I needed to take it back to the dealer the next day because I couldn’t get the radio to work. The technician kindly explained to me that this was a “SMART TRUCK” and the radio was ...
aussie sceptics
May 28, 2023May 2023

Posted by FrayedBear
Yet more indication of the corruption within Australia. Tax fraud .
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Mar 4, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by FrayedBear
Shane Dowling reports on more suspected fraud\ perversion of the vourse of justice involving Rupert Murdoch & his media empire.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Feb 14, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by FrayedBear
Why is the Murdoch media not widely reporting this apparent scandal that should prevent the NSW Premier being re-elected for a further 4 years?
aussie sceptics
Nov 1, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by FrayedBear
Australian journalist Shane Dowling on November 2, 2022 reports that "Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has managed to get independent MP Helen Haines to start pushing Labor’s lies in the media regarding the proposed secret hearings at the National ...
aussie sceptics
Jul 28, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by anglophone
How did the bunch of deceitful bastards known as the Coalition ever get into Parliament?
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Jul 22, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by FrayedBear
Whistleblowers persecuted & prosecuted. Australian law & democracy corrupted by US-British corruption or its own?
aussie sceptics
Apr 24, 2022Apr 2022

Posted by FrayedBear
What are you buying into with Coles, Woolworths or Aldi meat on your BBQ this Anzac Day?
aussie sceptics
Mar 1, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by FrayedBear
America again meddling in Australian politics, freedom of speech & trade?
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Nov 8, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
I'll just leave this here for Australians only to sign.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Nov 1, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
"Housing has become, rather than a place of security where you raise a family, something that you seek to create wealth from and speculate on," Mr Pisarski MP
aussie sceptics
Sep 14, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
Is this corruption or is it just corrupt?
aussie sceptics
Jun 21, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
Nothing like being accused of being a police state? Is it Armenia or New South Wales?
aussie sceptics
Jun 18, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
So that's why the Australian Government won't introduce & implement a national anti corruption commission?
aussie sceptics
Nov 11, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
Scott Morrison reveals the Liberal’s strategy for covering up corruption after the new Federal ICAC comes into force?
aussie sceptics
May 3, 2020May 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
Australian Corruption & Face Saving
aussie sceptics
Apr 25, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
Australian journalist gives insight into the systemic faults in Australian Corporate Law, the application of law and ongoing corruption of Australian government and taxpayer funds during the COVID 19 pandemic response identifying probable bankruptcy ...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Mar 3, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
Please help send this viral:- I would be very pleased if all Americans from the newest citizen to the President together with all humans on the planet read the following article so that they can bear temoignage (witness) to the torture, injustice and...
aussie sceptics
Jan 15, 2020Jan 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
More evidence of the state of corruption in America and why the world should hate the country:
aussie sceptics
Jan 15, 2020Jan 2020

Posted by FrayedBear
And yet more evidence of government corruption, failure of Australian democracy and the need for an uncorrupted national ICAC.
aussie sceptics
Nov 17, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by FrayedBear
This url speaks for itself I merely add the words attributed to a Lutheran pastor about 80 years ago: First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 15, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by PontifexMarximus
LINKHonest Government Ad | Visit Timor-Leste! - YouTube
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Sep 29, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by FrayedBear
Wow, Shane Dowling is certainly making some strong accusations concerning court corruption in Australia: Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party caught stacking the courts with cronies to cover-up government corruption BY SHANE DOWLING ON SEPTEMBER...

Photos 157 More

Posted by 1patriotWorld’s Fastest Indian to Ride Again In the 1950s and 1960s, Burt Munro was a motorcycling legend.

Posted by FrayedBearIn the event of nuclear war between USA & China what are the most likely first strike targets?

Posted by 1patriotThis is a big concern

Posted by vocaloldfart Australia being turned into ‘51st US state’ – ex-PM Canberra is losing its strategic autonomy due to its security pact with the US and UK, Paul Keating has argued The US is surrounding...

Posted by 1patriot[rebelnews.

Posted by 1patriotThat would be a plus....

Posted by FrayedBearTime for Australia to follow suit?

Posted by 1patriotthey are creating a 15 Cities all along this coast in Australia

Posted by 1patriotthunder writes: I remember early in the pandemic when there was a protest outside the hospital (Toronto Canada).

Posted by vocaloldfart Is this the way of the future?

Posted by vocaloldfartIf you think times were tough under the LNP Mafiosa in the previous years, Give Dutton the disastrous destroyer the vote in the next election, and look foreward to worse to come.

Posted by vocaloldfartMichael Pascoe: And the award for the worst Liberal leader goes to… ?

Posted by vocaloldfartDingoes elevated to 'almost-human' status in pre-colonial Australia .

Posted by vocaloldfartVanadium batteries’ sustainable energy hailed as key to solar revolution Vanadium could be the answer to using solar and wind round the clock, silencing critics who say they’re useless when the...

Posted by FrayedBearThis amused me. How about you? "Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Shulz

Posted by FrayedBearNine chairman, and former Australian Treasurer, Peter Costello is now promoting war with China after making $millions lobbying for defence companies BY SHANE DOWLING ON MARCH 12, 2023

  • Top tags#Australia #video #government #world #god #religious #hope #friends #laws #politicians #media #money #federal #minister #religion #reason #children #DonaldTrump #politics #rights #liberal #community #military #China #evidence #Police #policy #death #Atheist #hell #Christian #Jesus #USA #church #atheism #parents #corruption #truth #kids #vote #youtube #book #religions #dogs #faith #justice #freedom #movies #chinese #nation ...

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