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A plea to the People of Victoria, Australia.
Please, please think of everyone else besides yourselves, Stay in Victoria, your State Borders are closed for a reason you are suffering a HUGE outbreak of Covid -19 and though we do sympathise and understand your distress and anguish, etc, this is definitely NOT the time to go crossing the Borders and spreading Covid into other States putting everyone else at risk as well.
Human Testing of an Australian Covid Vaccine is now underway in Queensland so Please Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Well and try to keep the rest of the country safe as well.

Triphid 9 July 12
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The NT borders opened and there was a flood of people across them. I am now concerned saw a Vic number plate. People are now coming in on planes yes I know some have to quarantine themselves but we were doing so well and then Vic and NSW messed up and now we are all at risk because of it. We had managed to open up and with some stimulus packages from the NT government people were going out and doing things. We even had a eat out program during the worst of it (at least one night a week order take away from a place offering it) our local fish and chip/hamburger take away was rushed off their feet and now everything is close to back to normal have shut down for a week to rest up and have a break. I worry that we are going to get people who break the rules. One person in a remote community who sneaks in and has the virus can kill pretty much the entire community, most of our remote communities have people with multiple medical conditions who do not like going to the Dr.

Budgie Level 8 July 19, 2020

Kind of quite worrying around here too, I saw a Tasmanian number-plated Campervan type vehicle driving merrily around the streets here on the weekend plus a few weeks back there were about a dozen or so Victorian vehicles roaming around as well.
When are people going to stop thinking only of themselves first instead of thinking of the whole country and population in times like this?


On the C19 pandemic's Lifespan - it is quite probably going to be the same as our remaining lifespans!

Not an enviable prognosis and one likely to lead to mass suicide & increased failure to not succumb to C19 virus when infected.

The world is led by politicians having brains devoid of new thought which results in bankrupt ideas & the pursuit of proven failed responses & lifestyles for all but the citizens from renta crowd.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 13, 2020

[] is now pointing the finger at interstate truckies and an Xroad pub in Sydney as being culpable.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 13, 2020

"Interstate Truckies, " you've got to joking.
They are rigorously tested at each border they cross, they ARE the ones who are risking their health at every trip and bringing the necessities to people everywhere and anywhere in this country.
So imo, FrayedBear, be bloodythankful that they are around because without them we'd be starving to say the least.

@Triphid You Broken Hill starvation - could occur if unable to grow your own food - quite a possibility given the irresponsible behaviour that has allowed the theft of much water in Australia by foreign corporations and previously mentined by yourself in a post dobbing in those seen to have preferential treatment.

So why close boarders if people are being tested? And yes much of your food comes from Victoria. Our local farmers recently were running regular convoys of hay into drought stricken NSW. I don't recall the reverse happening when the 13 year drought was happening to its end 10 years ago!

You are proving Tony what a bunch of parochial selfish arseholes many australians are. The 1901 Comonwealth Constitution is supposed to guarantee free passage between states and territories.


@FrayedBear By saying "We'd be starving," I meant MOST of Australia NOT just Broken Hill, etc, so get your facts right BEFORE you Leap to False Conclusions next time.

@Triphid how well you ignore the Constitution.

@FrayedBear Precisely How am I "ignoring the Costitution?

@FrayedBear FFS, when Cabbage land is drought then at 80% of the rest of Eastern Australia is in drought also or weren't you aware that fact also?

@Triphid you ignore the Australian Constitution by not reading the link that I supplied you.

@FrayedBear These Covid Restrictions are NOT breaching the Constitution in any way, shape nor form, they are imposed legally and are there toTRY to ensure both the safety of ALL Australians, their health, etc, etc, and to TRY to ensure that Australia does NOT go down the road the U.S. has, i.e. thousands upon thousands of infections and over a thousand + Deaths.
So, stop being, imo, a nit-picking, self-righteous, bone-headed curmudgeon and thinking only of yourself and Victoria for a change IF you can.

@Triphid Yet again you project.

@FrayedBear Aw come on FrayedBear, how about removing your craniu from your rectum once in while PLEASE.

@Triphid lol, obviously if it is there you know that I am finding the atmosphere sweeter. Lmao with nose firmly inserted 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@FrayedBear Just out of curiosity here, FB, does,
a) your anus ever get jealous of your mouth, and,
b) were you born as a ready-made, pseudo-Troll Curmedgeon or have you been practising very hard for years and still only managed to reach the level of Novice?

@Triphid a).do yours know the difference? Both yours seem to dribble, both suffer from diahorrea and everyone hopes that you keep both clean. As for jealousy I'm not sure that I know what yhat emotion is.
b) Are you jealous?

@FrayedBear Where thefuck is the "puke' icon when one needs it?
Bear, imo, you are about as funny as an Anal Fistula and a recurrent dose, endless dose Oral Dissentry.
To be 100% honest, I've met many a 'Whinging Pommie' (both visiting and emmigrated btw) and YOU, imho, take the cake, the platter and the crumbs as well.

@Triphid thank you for your well balanced opinion. They said that uncle Tom was well balanced - he had a big chip on each shoulder.

@FrayedBear You do realize that there is No prize for Second Place don't you?

@Triphid I'm not in a competition other than with myself to find reason to continue life.

@FrayedBear Confucus says, " For one to find reason to continue in Life, first one must have and enjoy a life."
FFS Bear, IF anyone ever needed or wanted a reason NOT to live then my losing both my children should and would have been the absolutely perfect reason, would it not?
But, in fact, your Life is what YOU make of it despite all of its ups, downs, disappointments, etc, etc, and, as for me, well I'm still here even though there were once times when I either deeply considered ending it or even tried to end it and I'm glad I never succeeded btw.
You ONLY ever get ONE go at life, don't make adversity your enemy, make it your Tutor, learn from it instead and find even more things and ways to enjoy the life you have because there ARE always others who are far, far worse off than you.
Try, if you can, to remember this old adage, " Sad was I for I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had No Feet."

@Triphid Exactly Tony. However comparison to others is not imo clever and it is not always a case that you can control how & what chemicals your body produces or reacts to as you sadly know.

@FrayedBear Yes BUT there is medical help available, all you need do is ask about, get a Doctor to check it all out and prescribe what is needed to help correct any imbalances.
It IS that simple UNLESS you want to spend your LIFE feeling sorry for yourself that is.

@Triphid lol you must have different doctors & pharmaceuticals in Broken Hill to Sydney & Victoria - either that or I'm allergic!

@FrayedBear I was wondering just how longit would take this negativity attitude of yours to re-emerge again.
There is NO tangible differences in either the Health Services or Pharmaceutical Services in Australia, they ALL come under the same National Health Services umbrella.
For example, My daughter and I were both from N.S.W. yet we were flown, free of charge, to Adelaide, S.A. where she recieved 9 months of Chemotherapy plus accommodation for us both ( also 100% free of Charge) at NO personal expense to either of us.
Just 1 single dose of the many Chemodrugs used was worth well over $5,000, the GCSF injection given post every Chemo treatment was worth $7,000 per injection, theere were NO Doctor's Fees, No Ambulance Fees, etc, etc, because of the Nation Health Services.
So, perhaps you mayNOT be allergic as you claim BUT it may be your attitude, etc, that IS the problem, have you ever bother toconsider that?

@Triphid That's interesting Tony. $5000 shots & they sadly did not cure her. You are fortunate that the crow eaters let you across the boarder it seems that you do not wish to let cabbage patchers amongst you wise men from the east now.

One country one people one law?

You have to be on some wonderful drug to think that - go and talk to the first nations people of Western Australia or Tasmania - oh sorry you can't they killed them all off,

the pensioners who had their money stolen through the failure of the Queensland Government's Public Trustee to protect them,

the pensioners evicted from their community & homes because Jamie Packer wanted flats for his high rollers close to his casino in Sydney,

the elected government of Australia sacked because the Americans instructed their puppet Kerr to do it . . .

Yes we don't have one law for all here in Australia.

@FrayedBear That WAS back in the year 2000 -2001 Fyi.
The REASON why the N.S.W., S.A., etc, Borders are closed to Victorians IS because that massive Outbreak of Covid-19 that is running almost wild through most Melbourne Suburbs plus a few smaller towns/cities as well.
Now, DO NOT try to deny that Covid has boken out in Victoria please, even you Premier has admitted openly that it has.
We, the rest of Australia are simply trying to protect ourselves, our families, children, etc, etc.
And, as for your other seemingly endless, interminable gripes well I suggest that you try to remember that there ARE Authorities/Departments that can and will handle them on your behalf.
All it takes from you is a lot less of your, imo, grumpy, dissatisfied attitude when you contact them.

@Triphid You have some amazing delusions as has been intended by those who set you up for them. To believe that "Authorities/Departments" do anything other than employ a few wastrels is delusion!

Eg. When I complained & proved that Betta Electricals were using bait advertising I was told by the then manager of the Ballarat Vic Consumer Affairs Department that my complaint would be recorded & if 29 more complaints were received they would do something about it. When I enquired if the police would do the same before issuing me with a fine for doing 1 kph over the speed limit I was ordered from the premises.

Similarly when a person who should have been disbarred from public office for ten years was reported to the electoral commission was accepted to stand as a local councillor, the commission allowed the election to carry on without enquiry.

The person in question had illegally signed company accounts saying everything was ok whilst in the knowledge that the company was bankrupt & unable to pay its debts.

The first year this occurred the deficit was over $1 milion, the following year the deficit was well over $2 million but again it was claimed that everything was ok.

To avoid prosecution the company, by making unlawful statements, was turned into a Victorian charity - yes charities are also managed by the Victorian consumer affairs but perhaps they are waiting for 29 more people to simply read the published accounts and raise the issue - the Consumer protection authority obviously couldnt!

Several years later they were amalgamated with other like bodies, I suspect to againavoid rmbarrasment and become an unaccountable, other than to the tax office, into a private trust.

As they arn longer a regitered chrity theyare not being prosecuted.

Who is this organisation? - none other than the trading arm of one of the largest xtian religions in Australia. The only thing they haven't been seriously associated with is the pedophilia accusations lobbied at other xtians & the Jews.

That is but the tip of the corrution & illegality that occurs in Australia whilst people like yourself are lied to & led to believe that everything is controlled & run according to law.

@FrayedBear Aw Jeez FB, how about getting out and find a life for yourself.

@Triphid You are one of the ones wanting to return, as I also initially thought would be essential, to European pre industrial revolution times where the majority of people never travelled more than 5 miles from their birthplaces. It is my belief that is why very local accents & dialects developed in all parts of the world including Australian first peoples.

On the one hand you praise the truckies bringing you needed foodstuffs because you claim that it cannot be grown locally despite people having lived there for anything upto 80,000 years and yet you want to close the boarder with your southern neighbours who supply a lot of your food - Victoria wasn't called the Garden State & as you sarcastically call them cabbage growers for no reason.

I've got a life and since the inception & recognition of this pandemic have tried to help others through the "Tales from the Lockdown" group which although you quickly wished to be an admin of you have contributed little and now simply wish to control others and incidentally destroy traditional first nation's peoples nomadic lifestyles.

Ffs more people are killed in Australia each year from influenza and pneumonia tan have been killed so far by c19 yet I've not heard of cries for people to be denied boarder crossing & inter location travel be it village or city in prior infections even HIV/AIDS.

I sadly laugh when I think of how men in WWI were given white feathers to persuade them to go to their deaths in the European trenches to protect the home population who were not under attack. I suggest that occurred beause of very muddled beliefs or zeitgeist.

The current pandemic has been very much promoted by government's failure to enable self protection and its hidden agenda of removing from society the so called "hangers on" from the public teat - the aged pensioners (senicide), the first nations people (genocide),the handicapped, the ill - diabetics, the industrial accident victims & genetically damaged with damaged hearts, lungs, kidneys (retrospective eugenics). Sadly the virus does not seem to have targetted retired or incumbent MP's!

@FrayedBear Right now,
A) I do not want to see the return of the Pre-Industrial Ages,
B) When I say 'try to get a life' I mean try to find a life where you aren't so obsesed, imo, with moaning abot everything and anything 24/7,
C) Australians developed 'nick-names for the residents of each and every State of Australia, i.e. Queenslanders = Banana Benders, Western Australians =Sand-Gropers, Sth. Australians = Crow-Eaters, Tasmainians = Hilly-Billies or Taswegians, Victorians = Mexicans ( since they are from South of the Border), Cabbage Growers/Farmers, New south Welshmen = Cockroaches (due to the heavily clustered population of Sydney) or Taffy Swaggies because the exploration of the inlands of Australia started initially from there.
When the Northern Territory becomes a State then it too will get dubbed with a nick-name suited to it, that IS the Ausssie way, like it or lump but it is the waythings are here.
D) IF you think that you have developed a 'life' since the inception of your Group, then you are most certainly missing the whole point of merely having a REAL life imo. There IS more to life than the Internet, for example,

  1. Wake up every morning and know you ARE still alive and kicking, a very BIG Plus for anyone,
  2. You do NOT have 6 feet of dirt covering you and bacteria eating away at your dead flesh, another BIG plus,
  3. you can walk outside see the Sun shining, hear the birds singing, watch as people pass by, enjoy the sounds of children at play, can any DEAD person do and enjoy those simple things?
    M8, be glad you ARE alive because when you are DEAD it is for ever and there IS NOTHING else.

Ffs Tony we haven't had a C19 case in town since some rich cocky, wife & daughter came back from a cruise to China with it and that was last March. Furthermore they don't appear to have given it to anyone else.

Your problem is probably mining companies fifo workers.

Are you volunteering to test the vaccine?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 13, 2020

It seems that Victoria has been doing far more than NSW -


Seems to me that you have NOT been keeping up with News down there in Mexicanland, FrayedBear, you've got HotSpots in at least a dozen Melbourne Suburbs thus far, your fellow Mexicans are 'rushing' the Intrerstate Borders in droves trying to escape and spread the outbreak to the rest of Australia.

@Triphid Melbourne is a very small ghetto compared to Victoria and in yes it would be a good idea for the rest of Victorians to have the Melburnians incarcerated. I'm not in Melbourne.

But talk about the pot calling the kettle black I contemptuously laugh at your ignoring of the Crossroad, Picton & Blue Mountains "infection centres" and their current outbreaks.

@FrayedBear Laugh as I know you will BUT at least, knock on wood, the infection rates elsewhere in Australia are nowhere near as high as Victoria's so far.
As for the relative size of the State of Victoria versus Melbourne, well yes Melbourne may be smaller but the population is more closely packed together which is an ideal situation for cross-infection by Covid-19 btw and now, imo, being greatly enhanced by Victorians, aka Mexicans/Cabbage Farmers, choosing to both ignore the restrictions AND refusing to be Tested as well.
Yes, our Health Department did err when they failed to test those leaving that Cruise Ship, but our infection rate dropped exponentially UNTIL the outbreak in Victoria arose and it was spread across the border.

We do NOT FIFO Miners here in Broken Hill FYI.
And YES I have put my name down as a VOLUNTEER for the Testing, have YOU?

@Triphid No.

@Triphid You cannot have it both ways Tony - you claim C19 is spread by interstate truckies but then hotly claim that they are tested to be C19 free at the boarder and that you need the food that they carry.

Why doesn't Broken Hill grow its own? The town has been there for 130+ years but adequate water supply has not been either created or maintained. Why? Probably because someone said "She'll be right mate!"

@FrayedBear A) Have you EVER to the Broken Hill region?
B) Are you even AWARE that it IS a Semi-Arid Region with an ANNUAL AVERAGE rainfall of ONLY approx. 10 inches of rain per year in the GOOD years that is?
C) I was born and raised here, I've travelled through this region more times than you've had hot showers, worked on Sheep Stations, driven trucks loaded with everything from Groceries through to cases of Nitro-glycerin,
D) the soil here is very thin in most places, the native scrub is normally made up of Spinafex grasses, short, stubby, hardy Acacia type bushes, Bluebush and Saltbush, Paterson's curse, Spear Grasses and the ONLY large trees that grow around here are the Creek Gums, the She-oaks, Mulga and the very rare and occassional Malee and Coolabah, oh and let's not forget that acursed African Box Throrns and Prickly Pears as well,
E) dig down about 6-10 inches anywhere in the bush and you will hit ROCKS, hard tough rocks in layers often feet thick,
As to me pointing the blame at nterstate Truckies, you went right up the WRONG creek there, YOU add the link where it POINTED the blame at the Truckies, NOT me so get your facts right for a bloody chsnge.
Oh, and as at YESTERDAY and on SEVERAL News Reoprts, one being the ABC News btw, the DAILY Infection Rate for Victoria was approx. 270, Two Hundred and Seventy, people diagnosed as being INFECTED in ONE single 24 hour period.
And there IS a distinct possiblility that X-Roads Hotel outbreak may possibly be traced back to a VICTORIAN Tourist btw.
So, my friend, please, feel most FREE to shove that in your pipe and smoke it.

@Triphid Thats funny Tony The Wiljakali people traditionally occupied the lands around Broken Hill (HO and DUAP 1996) visiting the Barkindji people on the Menindee Lakes each year. They've probably been there for tens of thousands of years and probably thrived of the produce of the land & ten inches of rain.

Yes I've just read that NSW testing has proven the infection was started by a Victorian partying with NSW work mates.

How did he come to be there? Because the NSW government said "let's go back to work & open the pubs again". There is also a small matter of social distancing - if it was effective as claimed government & by health advisors how did it fail in this instance?. NSW ineptitude or more lies?

You want to be a Richard cranium Tony please carry on. IMO you are being misdirected & led by the nose away from the failure of your government.

@FrayedBear 100% WRONG, the Paakandji (Baakandji) Peoples occupied the region around Broken Hill, right through from Darling River, the Barka in their language btw, to the S.A. Border down to the Victorian Border and also, up to and including Mutawingee National Park.

@FrayedBear Err, just remind me, when exactly did come to Australia?

@Triphid in which caseTony you had better correct Wikipedia as it currently states "The Wilyakali or Wiljaali are an Australian aboriginal tribal group of the Darling River basin in Far West New South Wales, Australia. Their traditional lands centred on the towns of Broken Hill and Silverton and surrounding country. Today the Wilyakali people of Broken Hill are still the main Aboriginal group living in Broken Hill." []
No reference comes up searching the name that you mention.

@Triphid I never said but wonder at your intent at asking.

@FrayedBear The Wilyakali peoples are a sub-clan of the Paakandji Peoples FYI.

@FrayedBear Check again Sport, Broken Hill is NOT West of the Barrier Ranges it is EAST of them and between 50+ kilometres WEST of S.A.

@Triphid As I previously suggested Tony, if the Wikipedia entry is incorrect & you are offended by it I suggest that you do the intelligent thing & have it corrected. However I note that in 2015 when land title was recognised by the court it was to the Barkandji people not as you suggest to the Paakandji - but perhaps you consider the ABC report also erroneous. []
Also why do you mention the location of the Barrier Ranges - I don't!

@FrayedBear Yeah I know both Badger Bates and his Bilyara, Badger is the unofficial God-Father and Uncle of my daughter Lorrae, my brother by Aboriginal Rites, I am Bilyara's unofficial God-father and Uncle, I have know then since well before Bilyara was conceived and born to Badger's wife sarah, a qualified and respected Arhaeologist btw.
Barkandji/Paakandji are the two spellings of the exact same name FYI.
Just Mootwingee and Mutawindji are the different spellings of the same names as well.
So, TRY to get your facts for a change.
Barkandji and Mootwingee are the ANGLICISED spellings btw.

@FrayedBear So, you correct them since you think you know bwetter than everyone else imo.

@Triphid Sadly Tony you are allowing you ego to override your rationality. I'm simply seeking the truth for myself & everyone else. You are assuming & allowing your indoctrination & 200 + years of colonialisation to influence you.

@Triphid I am not a mind reader Tony nor am I cognisant of any first people's languages or local dialects. You failed to explain.

@FrayedBear Look FB, I HAVE the blood and heritage of 2 (Two) Native Australian Clans in my veins as well as about 10+ or more other nationalities as well.
By many of the Paakandji, the Myall Creek and the Channel Country peoples I AM considered as an Elder of their Clans and NOT merely due to my age either.
My paternal Great, Great Grandfather, many times removed, married the daughter of the Cherokee Chief, Stone Bear, they had 3 sons and a daughter, 2 sons returned to Wales where they joined his other sons in running the Trading Shipping Company from Cardiff that Royston Stanley ( his 2 first names btw) had left to them, one of their Great Grandsons, also many times removed, was sent to Australia on the First Fleet for poaching a rabbit on the very fringes of the Estate of an English Nobleman to help feed his hungry siblings.
He, Royston John, from whom I got my middle name, later rescued a group of Survivors of the Myall Creek Massacre and married one of the women, her 'English' name was Elizabeth Mary btw.
At approx. 12 years of age I was adopted by Aboriginal Lore and Rites, and with the consent of my paternal father, into the Clan of the Channel Country Peoples by Djakidjera ( Jack) Murray and his wife, hence I AM both a member of that Clan and also an Elder, a Keeper and Teacher of the Lore as well.

@Triphid ty fyi. An interesting pedigree.

@FrayedBear Yeah, so Iam, as my Dad used say, "a Heinz 57 variety," BUT I am proud of the fact.
What about you?

@Triphid I've never been interested. My paternal grandfather was born about 1860 - I was about 3 when he died. He was a postman carrying 80lb satchels up very steep hills. He fathered 15 legitimate children my father being the youngest. He was obviously a sex maniac of a protestant not a Catholic! I am the last European of my grandfather's line carrying the name that I know of.

Other than my name which derives from the time of Viking invasions, though I suspect my ancestors were refugees from Brian Boru's avarice over Dublin & several other Viking founded Irish ports, I know nothing apart from my maternal grandmother claiming to be a Wallace.

I was not taught ancestor worship nor right of inheritance.

@FrayedBear So, I do NOT endulge in 'Ancestor Worship' either.
But it is nice to know from whom and where one came from.
Our' lineage' even has links to Ancient Egypt via a direct link to one Mesesthoth, Great, Great Grandson of Imhotep, Visser to King Djoser builder of the first Pyramid at Saqqara.
It is kind of interesting and nice to know your lineage imo.

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