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Your thoughts on SkidMarks desire to make vaccinations mandatory?
I'm thinking will we have a choice of "vaccination" or will that also be mandated? If that choice remains, I'll go for a Chinese or Russian version just because.

PS Me? All medical treatment requires consent, full stop. No argument, a basic human right that you can't force "medicine" on someone. Consent is important and should be upheld and defended.

powder 8 Aug 19
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Well imo,
A) given the ravaging of Covid on the human body, the death toll it has resulted in, etc, etc, and,
B) That there is a possibility that left unchecked it can become a newer form of the 'Old Plagues' ravaged humanity centuries ago, then,
C) Adding in that ALL vaccines produced elsewhere than, China and Russia, etc, for example, MUST undergo VERY strict and prolonged, scientifically observed and run tasting procedures and trails BEFORE being given the 'All Clear,' then,
D) I, for one, WILL be lining up for my vaccination rather than risking being one those who, sadly and unfortunately, are 'pushing up daisies.'

Triphid Level 9 Aug 19, 2020

Right. We will all be pushing up daisies soon enough, and while I'm ok as an atheist with that, I do not want to be COVIDNATED by a stupid bug. Surely a vaccine is just following the science, if the science is sound, and don't we all believe in that?

@David1955 Well, imo, opinion Science is far, far sounder a proposition that is religion any day.

@Triphid no disagreement there. There's nothing less sound than religion.


Obviously after a knighthood & internment in Westminster Abbey.

Mandate medical procedures? They already do in their greed & policies of senicide. After a certain age you can't get your hip or knee replacement. And look at how they are currently killing off the elderly.

This is also a very good article :

Typical of the ffing Americans to steal and prevent poor countries access to the swine flu 2009 vaccine invented by Australia.

Also lots of laughter. I didn't know about the 2009 outbreak until it was over!

By the way @Powder what is happening with your flu vaccine case?

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 19, 2020

Assuming the proposed vaccine is safe, suitable for every age and type of person -- and this is unknown as yet -- why is it ok for the government to impose restrictions on movement and other respects of our liberty, based on the principle of authority to protect population, but authority to vaccinate everyone is not ok?

David1955 Level 8 Aug 19, 2020

You have been found guilty & are now serving time at QEII's pleasure.

It is the biggest parody of Franz Kafka's "The Trial" in history - total & living histories! The pearls of wisdom (aka gobshite) coming from the mouths of medical advisors & policy makers makes a dose of Changi dysentery look like a burp on a raw prawn!

@powder My point was exactly that, that this assumption is a big one and I doubt that such a guarantee of safety for all could be given. I think the PMs position is bad politics and questionable medicine or science. I just don't think the strong negative stance on the basis on the government taking my liberty is a good one, since clearly they have taken other measures applying to everyone, unless specifically excluded for some reason. In a practical sense, however, this is going to be the problem with any vaccine: some, possibly many, will refuse, for religious, health, philosophical or ideological reasons. My question is, if they refuse and get sick, won't they still expect to go to the hospital and be cared for by publicly paid medical staff? Yes. So, it's my liberty, but help me when I get sick, is the argument. You know, the reason the government makes us wear seat belts (restricting our liberty) is that if we have an accident and not wearing a seat belt it is likely we will be more seriously hurt, requiring higher medical costs incurred (often) by government. These arguments, as a democratic socialist, I would call the social contract between public services and we as individuals.

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