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FFS. Talk about lunatics running the asylum

powder 8 June 3
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I don't know. I've just come back to your article after having a shower, pumping my car tyre up, putting the laundry on, checking my email, reading a repeat request to complete a research company's 32 question survey for AusGov and you state "FFS. Talk about lunatics running the asylum" because a false positive occurred in about 4% of tests - better that they were false positives & not negatives - 400+ people who would have been infected would have been mightily pissed off particularly if their name was Triffid. And quite rightly so.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 3, 2021

@powder Mask wearing is mandated in Victoria. The other day I saw an Israeli article claiming that vaccination decreased the number or intensity of virus particles in the nose so it helped stop the spread of the disease. Has the federal government ever mandated the wearing of masks?
I notice that is now mandated that we are required to register entry into supermarkets - what if you don't have mobile phone?

I have just encountered lunacy in respect of the gas meter reading. The gas company has just sent a bill based on a guesstimate. The actual reading was written on a label fixed to the front gate and about two months ago they were sent a photograph of the meter. On receipt of the bill I sent them another photograph. Not good enough they say. Their guess is to have increased my usage from 9 m³ to 44m³. They claim that they cannot schedule more accurately than a ten day window to read the meter. I've told them that my "wait on your convenience charge" is $300 per hour charged by the full day. I've told them that I'm in high risk category and the gate remains locked to protect myself. They are laughing at me & are now telling me that they will charge $130 to come & do a special reading. The meter reader does not disinfect gate handles that they have touched. The energy company has a monopoly on the supply of gas in our town thanks to political lack of forethought or corruption.

@powder I've just been told that the vaccine can't do anything against covid but does stimulate the immune system except if a virus manufactured to fit the artificial spike that it creates in RNA is let loose. It sounds like conspiracy theory to me but there's no smoke without fire.


Well now, the 2 cases that WERE false positives can easily be explained as an error of diagnosis BUT the other 61+ cases are nowhere near an error of diagnosis now are they?
They ARE for REAL, they ARE there, they should NOT have occurred with vaccinations NOW available FOR FREE, should they?
IF there are, as you say, "Lunatics Running the Asylum" then the Lunatics, imo, ARE the People of Victoria who carp, snivel, whine and moan about having to stay home, etc, etc, when TO GET even a MODICUM of Control over this very dangerous, often FATAL Viral Pandemic WHAT IS actually NEEDED is Fullest Co-operation OF ALL the Peoples and Populace of both the State and the Entire country and not, imo, having some cry-babies whining and grizzling, etc, etc, endlessly over Sweet Bugger All except their OWN Personal needs and Wishes when EVERYONE is at stake, NOT just Them and theirs.

Triphid Level 9 June 3, 2021

@powder And as one who has extensive training in the fields of Medicine I shall STILL disagree with you most ardently and vehemently.
Imo, most of you whining, Cry-Baby Victorians are little more than Spoiled Little Brats who care ONLY for themselves and NOT the ENTIRE Population of this country at large.

@powder IMO, YOUR so-proclaimed 'Experiences in Risk and Hazard Management, given that they are, AS YOU, yourself informed me ages ago, BASED SOLELY in the world of Industry and Mining, etc, AND NOT in Health and Health Management, are about as relevant to the Covid Pandemic as re-arranging the Decks chairs would be to the Titanic.
IF this present situation INVOLVED a Mining Disaster, then I'd heed your advice BUT IF it also involved the Health and Safety of BOTH the Victims of the Disaster and the Rescuers then I'd stand by my very Extensive Training in Rescue and Recovery gained from years of Nursing, having a Certification as a Paramedic Class 1, State Rail Authority Breakdown Collision and Derailment Emergency Teams, State Emergency Services and a few more years of on the ground experiences than you may have in my opinion as well.
When it comes down to 'Confirmed Cases,' 1, ONLY ONE, case is needed for the virus to be spread to almost EVERY SINGLE person that Case Zero has even had PASSING contact with.
For Example, Patient Zero, spends 5 minutes in a Supermarket, brushes up against 3 other shoppers, they, in turn, brush up against 3 more people and so on and so forth until the total POSSIBLE Infections are increased EXPONENTIALLY in less than 72 hours.
That, imo, you snivelling Victorian Spoiled Brat, IS exactly HOW an Epidemic/Pandemic works and CONTINUESW on regardless when imo, Selfish, Snivelling, Self-Centred Spoiled Brats like you REFUSE to listen to FACTS and Figures BECAUSE they THINK they KNOW Better.

@powder Well, as such a person with such wondrous qualification in Risk and Hazard Management as you, then one would surely think that such a person could EASILY manage to discover such trivia for himself would he not?
Or is, mayhap, a case of needing someone to hand your delicate little hand and walk you through it all just in case it gets a wee bit too difficult or scary for you?
By the way, my 'scenario' as you like to call it was a HYPOTHETICAL scenario BUT it can and often DOES happe3n that way, similar can and does happen on Airline Flights both National and International, Ocean Cruises, simple Suburban Train journeys, etc, etc, AND even WORSE WHEN IDIOTIC Whining and Snivelling Cry-Baby, Spoiled little Brats ( who will remain nameless at present) seemingly care far less about the rest of the Human Race than they do for their precious little, trivial personal wants, needs and desires.
Btw, imo, IF the cap fits, please feel most free to don it and wear it.

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