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".Trust the science . We are following medical advice" we are constantly told by our leaders to justify draconian measures whilst sporting fixtures/ movies/ war games (important stuff) may continue, with CMO happily standing behind them to lead credence to their claims.
Now our illustrious happy clapper psycopathic dear leader "feels" (pun intended, don't feel shit which is why he needs empathy consultants) that he knows better than the science and medical professionals.

PS Morrison lacks empathy and doesn't understand how things affect others unless it relates personally to him. So someone needs to tell him this story.
The Hillsong Church leader has told his happy clapper followers to trust science, encouraging voluntary free choice regarding vaccines. The govt then mandates that all Hillsong members must be vaccinated and will be denied access if they are not. This causes distress amongst some of his peers at the church, going against what Hillsong policy is.
Perhaps then the prick will get it.

powder 8 June 3
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Okay, so HE wants it mandated that Health Care Workers get vaccinated, particularly those in the Aged Care Sector/s.
As a Retired Nurse I agree fully with that sentiment since, IF you ONLY vaccinated HALF a Flock of Sheep against something like Anthrax, etc, etc, then YOU ARE merely "pissing in the wind" in my educated opinion.
In a case such this C-19 Pandemic IT should be made International LAW that ALL person be vaccinated against the virus NO matter what their beliefs, religious or otherwise may be, BECAUSE the Future of Human Kind is in the balance HERE and NOW, this virus is mutating faster than ANY other vial infection has in Medical History and, imo, CARPING on about whether or not Sky Daddy or Jesus will reach out and protect you or what Jesus would have done is an utter and complete waste of time, effort, lung power and breathable air.
IF you want to live thorough this, then forget about your beliefs, religious or whatever, GET VACCINATED, protect yourself, your nearest and dearest, those around you, the people living across town, across the country or on the other side of the world, WE must protect each other, NOT God, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah or any one of the other 3 Million PLUS deities that humans have invented, ONLY WE can do it BECAUSE we ARE REAL, they are NOT.

Triphid Level 9 June 4, 2021

@powder Yes, the Hippocratic does state " First do no harm, relieve pain, suffering and anguish when and where ever possible......"
That is the Oath Doctors take, well they used to anyway.
But there also the time honoured and once used in the movies "Star Trek" the adage of " Sometimes the needs of the MANY must outweigh the needs of the One or the Few."
And, in my opinion as both a Humanist and a Trained Nurse, I'd most definitely that this PANDEMIC is DEFINITELY one of those times.
Let me ask you this, WHAT price do place upon 1 single Human life in comparison to the Religious Rights and Beliefs of Others?
Would you, knowingly and gladly send your child/children/grandchildren to a school where there are those who are UNVACCINATED wandering FREELY around BECAUSE their Beliefs tell them that vaccinations are against some archaic, arcane Religious Belief?
Have YOU ever had to stand by and watch as Doctors battled against Jehovah's Witness Parent who REFUSE to allow their CRITICALY Ill and haemorrhaging child a Blood Transfusion BECAUSE it goes against THEIR Beliefs and Biblical Teachings?
Fyi, I HAVE and it sickened me to the core ever one of the 3 times, just as did the Jehovah's Witness mother who was REFUSED a Blood Transfusion to save her life after giving birth.
Thankfully, Medical Research and the Laws have gotten around that hindrance now with a Blood Substitute that replaces Whole Blood but does the same job in such Emergency Situations.
I'm so looking forward to reading your replies/responses simply b3ecause I do feel, as Psychologist it WILL give me a much deeper in-sight into how your mind works and how, imo, actually HUMANE you really are towards your fellow Humans.

@powder FYI, VACCINATIONS ARE NOT classed as being Medical Treatments they ARE Preventative Measures, similar to the LAW that states a Motorcyclist/Bicycle rider MUST wear a Crash Helmet or the Driver and Passenger/s in a motor vehicle MUST wear seat-belts, PREVENTATIVE MEASURES NOT MEDICAL TREATMENTS.
Medical Treatments by definition are those performed/used AFTER the Fact, such as in repairing Injuries, Delivering Babies, curing illnesses, etc, etc.
Imo, for one who so proclaims himself to so well informed and educated you ARE so far behind the 8-Ball of knowledge that i beggars belief.

@powder In ACTUAL FACT, Vaccinations/Inoculations ar administered to the Patient/Client by a Qualified Nurse in Hospitals and a Clinical Nurse-Practitioner in most General Practise Medical Surgery Clinics and EVEN, SHOCK of SHOCK for your small power of reasoning, Covid-19 Vaccinations Clinics/Booths as well.
My goodness, is that sound of water rushing in to the bilges of your rusty barge perhaps.
Btw, C.M.O's., Chief Medical Officers, aka, Medical Advisors to the Government in this case, DO NOT have the power to MANDATE, that power lies solely with the Government of the Country only and MUST done by a Majority Vote in BOTH Houses of Parliament.
Sorry, it seems as though there is yet another gaping hole in your hull plating and even more sea water is now rushing in to the bilges.
May i suggest that you announce to ALL the Order to "abandon Ship, Women and Children to the Life-boats first please."

@powder Hey, Do NOT merely 'Cheery-pick' what suits your purpose, READ the ENTIRE thing PLUS the Laws and the Constitution Of Australia as well for a change or are you so damned thick that you can't see past the end of highly self-elevated nose?

@powder When one decides to ONLY Cherry-pick ' from Official Documentary Evidences, etc, etc, then, imo, that person/s is behaving EXACTLY like at least 98% of the Faithfools of the world do.
I.e. THEY ONLY see/hear WHAT they want to see/hear and ONLY what suits them and their purposes or tint little take on the entire situation BECAUSE their tint little BRAIN can't encompass/comprehend anything bigger/greater than their own ideologies.
And, in my Honest Opinion and Diagnosis as a Psychologist, this description fits you to a T in this very instance.
Perhaps, just perhaps, imo, you may well have sniffed a few too many Cane-toads during your life?

@powder Laws such as the Bio-Security Act and The National Health Security Act ARE meant to be READ as a WHOLE ARTICLE unlike the bible which is a mish-mash and mayhem of ditherings, drivellings and other nonsenses.
To gain your, assuming you ACTUAL have them, Accreditations in O.H. and S. Risk and Hazard Management did WERE you NOT required to READ and LEARN the Entire Rules, Regulations, etc, covering such Accreditations?
Or did you, perhaps, gain from a Trump University by send a cheque made to cash?

@powder Whgoop-de-doo, you HAVE some 'training,' well stone the crows and fuck the duck for that, BUT ARE youan Expert of Disease Management and OutBreak Control Measures OR are just another Know-it-all, Know Sweet-Bugger Computer Keyboard Blowhards?

@powder Btw, the World Health Organisation , W.H.O., under Auspices of the Untied Nations HAS the Mandate and the Power to DECLARE any Outbreak of a a Disease as being an Epidemic, Pandemic or a localised Outbreak etc, etc, and the relevant Act in Australia can then follow suit since Australia is a CO-signatory Nation to the United Nations and the bill oh Human Rights amongst others as well.
For definitions as to Epidemic/Pandemic/Localised Outbreaks, etc, etc, MAY I suggest you use what ever remain brain cells you have are actually to distinguish between your needs to feed your ego and facts, then apply to researching those definitions via ordinary Lexicon, Thesauri and Medical Lexicons and Thesauri, etc, etc.
You NEVER know, YOU mAY just surprise yourself and LEARN something ABSOLUTELY NEW.

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