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I bloody hate telstra, useless krunts. Gunna have to sic the ombudsman on them as I had to with dodo a few years back (back paid $1400 thank you very much, over a 2 year period overcharging).
Telecommunication companies are like politicians; same shit different wrappers.

An aside; hows your nbn going? On the Capricorn coast, its shit. Banks, supermarkets down some days and useless weekemds; buffering city. In Thailand paid $30/ month unlimited upload/ download and had my house and 3 bungalows all streaming movies no probs. Australia does rip you off.
My Monday whinge......its the Pome coming out of me ๐Ÿ˜‰

powder 8 May 27
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I don't have a problem with Telstra except that keep ringing me regularly to tell me that my Landline Account is in credit to them by $250+ and want to know what I'd like to do about it.

Triphid Level 9 May 27, 2019

Landline? What's a landline? ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Doubting A telephone that is NOT a mobile, i.e. it IS connect via cables the Telephone service such as Telstra.

@Triphid I know, I was just joking, hence the wink at the end of my reply. I"m sorry for your situation; Telstra is a pain

@Doubting Heck no, they're not a pain to me considering that I owe them nothing and that they actually owe me $250+ in credit.
I suppose they've never had a customer whose account is credit before, I just keep paying my usual debit via the automatic debit arrangement with my bank every fortnight, using my phone only when really necessary and my computer for a few hours each day when and if I feel like doing so.


As s fellow Pom Iโ€™m with you all the way. Iโ€™m in Tatura in Vic and they donโ€™t turn us off until January. I am leaving it to the last minute because I know itโ€™s going to be crap! A couple of years ago I was working for an IT company that was also selling on a NBN provider so I have first hand knowledge of how absolute bollocks the whole thing is unless you buy Industrial speed.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 May 27, 2019

I don't understand why people want NBN but then I don't need / want Netflix. For $300 for one year of 4G service Telstra gives me 150 Gb download, unlimited free WiFi at 20,000 Australian locations, no charge calls to landlines and mobiles in Australia and 15 international locations as well as unlimited SMS & MMS plus a few other benefits. That is about $25 per month on my own handset. I'm not complaining.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 27, 2019

@David1955 I stopped using my computers about three years ago and I only used them then because mobile use was not economic. I hear that they are now selling mobile phones with 10 core processors. I haven't bothered to look at how that compares to the latest Intel chips as I do not play those sort of games or have work requiring such power.

Unfortunately we donโ€™t get a choice because they are shutting down the regular network and you will have to be on NBN to stay connected.

@Geoffrey51 I haven't had a landline since 1995 or 6. I haven't had a TV since digital came in and I haven't used a computer for three or four years.

@FrayedBear Fantastic. Well done. ๐Ÿ‘

@Geoffrey51 One drawback - I spend too much time finger tapping and reading on my Android phone! Particularly when I should be out in the sunshine gardening, bushwalking, fishing, or talking with people.

@FrayedBear I know what you mean. Uhhhhh!

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