aussie sceptics

Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.

Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.

By Triphid (Page 2 / 62) Posts by members only

aussie sceptics
Nov 20, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Just a little something to remind us of our Prime Monster, sorry typo, Minister.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Nov 12, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Congratulations and jolly Well Done Prime Minister ScumMo. As our Leader you have toiled long and hard to ensure that the country we loved and cherish will now bear the stigma of being awarded for the next 12 months the Annual COLOSSAL FOSSIL Award....
aussie sceptics
Nov 10, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
The Great White Wanker hath spoken and the Queensland Government shalt tremble, NOT. The Great White Wanker, aka Clive Palmer, founder of the United Australia Party, has warned that HIS Party Lawyers WILL take the QLD. Government to court over their ...
aussie sceptics
Nov 9, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Oh dear do we cry now or laugh now and cry never? Poor old U-turns made in a flash, skid-marks, duck and weave, can't make up my mind unless I ask the Pastor, I miss Gladys, Bushfires, Bushfires, I'm heading for Hawaii, good luck Suckers, ScumMo ...
aussie sceptics
Nov 5, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Geez Louise, not even a week since the Border Restrictions regarding the Covid Resurgence closed them between New South Wales and Victoria and there are bloody Cabbage Farmer (Victorian Registered) vehicles driving through Broken Hill like they own ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 22, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well AT LAST we have a New Chum with a Completed Bio and Intro to welcome to our growing mob. Please give a full-on Aussie style welcome to @dalefvictor from Astoria, U.S.A. Welcome to aussie sceptics Cobber, grab a seat, settle in, take the load off...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 21, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Just a short, quick and poignant message re-new chums with NO BIO/Intro to show. IF you cannot be bothered to do ANY or ALL of the following, then please resist the urge to join aussie sceptics, 1) Have a completed Bio so, as Moderator, I can verify ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 20, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Reading on how things are progressing with the I.C.A.C. Inquiry into Grand Duchess Gladys, aka, Corporal Klinger's sister, it looks like little Gladys may well be doing a whole lot sweat and pacing the floors for quite some time to come. It's an ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 19, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Is this the beginning of a new era for Australian Politics and Government or just a mere hiccup that caught the MAJOR Parties unawares and they will soon see to it that it can NEVER happen again? Recently, according to a reliable News report, in the ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 13, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
And now for announcement number TWO. Just been informed by @powder that he has FINALLY left our group of his OWN accord no less. And, that @FrayedBear and I have come ton an agreement where I have reinstated communications with him on the provisos ...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 13, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
First off and most important, today we welcome @Redneckliberal from Florida to our group. Yes, I'm probably as shocked and surprised as you are, he does have a completed Bio/Intro on record, no offense meant or intended to you @Redneckliberal btw, so...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 13, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
FOR OUR MEMBER @powder. PLEASE select which memorial would suit you better, we will do our very utmost to ensure you get it.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 12, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well I'm going to save myself time and effort from here on in, ONLY those New Members who join and have COMPLETED Bios or Readable Intros will receive a mention PLUS the Welcome, anyone else joining minus the Bio.etc, will get NO mention at all. ...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 10, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Sorry Oh Nameless new member BUT without a name, Bio or Intro you too cannot be given the Official-unofficial Aussie style welcome to the group. Yes, tough titties I know but rules are rules and there ARE NO exceptions or exemptions.
aussie sceptics
Oct 9, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Here it goes again, No Bio, No Intro for @Andrea1 from California yet all she put was interested in meeting men. Nice try @Andrea1 BUT do you really think that most men would simply look at a profile with very little info on it and find it ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 6, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
And so again it seems that some U.S. Citizens may well have an aversion to showing a completed Bio/Intro. Well as they say, "Shit happens" and this time it happens to @StevenOhms from Nth. Carolina and @Casey943 from Dakota, NO Bio/Intro worth ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 4, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
And so it comes around yet again, @Kritinawisher from Nth. Carolina, No aussie style Official-Unofficil welcome for you unfortunately because YOU have NO completed Bio/Intro as per requirements.
aussie sceptics
Oct 3, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well @christine1231 you may have joined aussie sceptic BUT you cannot get the Official-Unofficial Aussie style welcome since you have not offered up a completed Bio/Intro for all to see.
aussie sceptics
Oct 3, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well, Grand-Duchess Gladys has thrown in the towel since word got out that I.C.A.C were investigating a few, possibly 'shady' doings concerning her paramour and fellow LNP sitting Member of the N.S.W. State Parliament. She resigned as N.S.W. Premier...
aussie sceptics
Sep 28, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
I guessed it might be way too good to be true. We get 2 new chums complete with Bios and all joining us one day, then WHAMMO, we get another from the land across the big pond joining up BUT NO BIO, no NOTHING at all. So, @ Cliflovesagnos from N.Y. ...
aussie sceptics
Sep 26, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
G'day there Peeps and Peepettes, we now ACTUALLY WELCOME to our group TWO (2) new members WITH actual Bios completed. So say a great Aussie G'day and welcome to @Lisa00793 from Pennsylvania and @TomR123 from New York. Yep, that's 100% correct, 2 ...
aussie sceptics
Sep 26, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
" Supplies of Corona Vaccines are the main problems with these new Outbreaks" according to the Government. Well, I'll darned, don't we have Bureau of Statics that keeps track of the population, didn't know about this COVID Pandemic within weeks of it...
aussie sceptics
Sep 22, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
Okay, I know from the little green dot that @Jamestone091 from California is on'line here RIGHT at this moment then he SHOULD see and comprehend this message. Yes, you may well have joined aussie sceptics BUT you have NO completed Bio or Intro hence ...
aussie sceptics
Sep 22, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well, the sorry and tough luck message for today goes out to @paulhopkins from New York, just joined but NO filled out Bio or Intro discernible I'm sorry to say. Sorry paulhopkins but you can't qualify for the aussie sceptics Official-Unofficial ...
aussie sceptics
Sep 17, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
Bloody wonderful, the State Government springs for at least 20, yes that is TWENTY btw, BRAND NEW Mobile Homes and send them off to Wilcannia to " alleviate the over-crowding in Indigenous Hosing there so the Indigenous can self-quarantine and ...

Photos 157 More

Posted by 1patriotWorld’s Fastest Indian to Ride Again In the 1950s and 1960s, Burt Munro was a motorcycling legend.

Posted by FrayedBearIn the event of nuclear war between USA & China what are the most likely first strike targets?

Posted by 1patriotThis is a big concern

Posted by vocaloldfart Australia being turned into ‘51st US state’ – ex-PM Canberra is losing its strategic autonomy due to its security pact with the US and UK, Paul Keating has argued The US is surrounding...

Posted by 1patriot[rebelnews.

Posted by 1patriotThat would be a plus....

Posted by FrayedBearTime for Australia to follow suit?

Posted by 1patriotthey are creating a 15 Cities all along this coast in Australia

Posted by 1patriotthunder writes: I remember early in the pandemic when there was a protest outside the hospital (Toronto Canada).

Posted by vocaloldfart Is this the way of the future?

Posted by vocaloldfartIf you think times were tough under the LNP Mafiosa in the previous years, Give Dutton the disastrous destroyer the vote in the next election, and look foreward to worse to come.

Posted by vocaloldfartMichael Pascoe: And the award for the worst Liberal leader goes to… ?

Posted by vocaloldfartDingoes elevated to 'almost-human' status in pre-colonial Australia .

Posted by vocaloldfartVanadium batteries’ sustainable energy hailed as key to solar revolution Vanadium could be the answer to using solar and wind round the clock, silencing critics who say they’re useless when the...

Posted by FrayedBearThis amused me. How about you? "Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Shulz

Posted by FrayedBearNine chairman, and former Australian Treasurer, Peter Costello is now promoting war with China after making $millions lobbying for defence companies BY SHANE DOWLING ON MARCH 12, 2023

  • Top tags#Australia #video #government #world #god #religious #hope #friends #laws #politicians #media #money #federal #minister #religion #reason #children #DonaldTrump #politics #rights #liberal #community #military #China #evidence #Police #policy #death #Atheist #hell #Christian #Jesus #USA #church #atheism #parents #corruption #truth #kids #vote #youtube #book #religions #dogs #faith #justice #freedom #movies #chinese #nation ...

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