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So what new behaviors have you taught your dogs? I adopted a GSD and my dogs taught him "stay' cuz when I say it they freeze in place, so he caught on quick.
My female Leela is a PITA with people. She was taken to super markets and given a treat to let anyone pet her. To this day she will allow petting but she lets everyone know she's against that behavior by barking and turning away. I still make her greet nicely and she's 6. When it sinks in I'm clueless.
I found you cannot teach an old dog new tricks my oldest wears a diaper cuz he can't hold it but he refuses to 'go' in my fenced yard, I have to leash and walk him to the end of the driveway. What's up with that?
At this point only living with dogs for months on end, speaking very little to anyone else (covid), my sane-meter is on reset. It never stops raining in TN. I hate rain now. Like really seriously hate it. I keep wondering how bad was snow anyway? I lived 10 yrs in FL and now this.

K9Kohle789 8 May 20
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Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789The land shark has learned how to pop open the garbage lid.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789This is the puppy.

Posted by Kempster45Degenerative Myelopathy Anyone here ever deal with this in their dog?

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

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