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This is the puppy. I renamed him Jet. He was driving me crazy last night would NOT calm down. I have a "calm" pill/herb I gave him that and rescue remedy. Leela likes him 50% of the time the rest she can't be bothered. I put up gates I have to walk over was doing harm to my back. Didn't matter to Jet he's like a slinky. One second on other side of gate, then hes slinks over it and is behind me.
I slide the gate out of my way from now on I could barely walk. Some rescue keeps pestering me to foster dogs. One with mange. As if I want mange in my house. I said here's the link to my website read that first then tell me to foster another dog.
Jet barks at people I have to cure that. Then he goes into a food frenzy. He lets me put my hand in and give him kibble by hand but if he has a bully stick forgetabout it. He will snap at the air to get it back. Or nip me. He was so underweight, I could feel every bone in his body. He was one hungry hungry dog. That's one reason to hate breeders with too many dogs. Food costs money, they say fk it let them drink milk. He's 3 months old putting on weight fast here cuz he gets 3 meals a day to make up for his starving.
This is his lineage. Most are foreign dogs.

This is the mother


The father is son of axon and Carrera.



K9Kohle789 8 Apr 30
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Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789The land shark has learned how to pop open the garbage lid.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789This is the puppy.

Posted by Kempster45Degenerative Myelopathy Anyone here ever deal with this in their dog?

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

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