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Reliable "come". There are a few ways to get a reliable come for getting your dog to you. A few things you need to teach first. "Sit" is an easy one. Stand in front of the leashed dog or to one side. When you give ANY command only say the word ONE TIME. Tell the dog 'sit' and you can have a treat hold way over the dog's head and he/she may sit to get it. Don't hold it too high.

Once you have some reliable sits you need to teach "Stay". So standing in front of the dog in a sit hold your hand in front of the dogs face and say stay. Don't let the dog rise up but treat for stay command. You shouldn't be more than a few inches from the dog in front of you. Begin to slowly step back, hold treat over the head. if necessary or redo the command from beside the dog sitting. Move in front of the dog say stay and treat right way. Every step backwards give a treat if the dog remains sitting. Once you're a foot away come forward, walk to the dogs side and give lots of praise and treats. You can use a long lead tied to a fence or anything you can, then when you say stay you can move further and further away. Sometimes while the dog is in a sit or just standing-back way up and say "Sit" then when the dog sits you say "Stay then treat'.

A lot of trainers have done away with stay. When you say sit the command also means stay there. You can just say sit and expect a stay. l like the command in case the dog runs off you should have a reliable sit and stay to command the dog from a distance and if the dog runs off tell him/her stay so you can leash the dog. Alway carry moist treats for training and for every obedient command treat the dog.

Once you have the stay it's time to reinforce "come'. Use the treats. When the dog is in a sit (leashed) in front of you you can say 'come' one time only then pull the leash until he/she is right in front of you treat and praise then have him/her sit. With a longline keep teaching COME and treat. Do this in new environments so the dog becomes reliable with "come". Practice, practice practice.

If you train DOWN only use that one word and treat.Saying 'off' is a different meaning. Keep all commands ONE WORD and ONE TIME then treat. Any questions? Some dog breeds are more difficult to train. Persistance and repetition is key. Keep puppy training short about 15 mins a few times a day. If the dog enjoys training by all means continue.

K9Kohle789 8 Jan 16
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