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A German shepherd was given to me to 'protect' him. His companion female was taken to the shelter when wandering the neighborhood-owner just left a bowl of food out for her dogs and took off for days at a time. A neighbor decided to try and get legal ownership of the female so he took her to the shelter where owner had to $200 to bail her out. Neighbor thought he could legally adopt her because owner wouldn't . Well she did. Within 2 weeks she said to him, "I hope you're happy now, she's dead." That was horrific for him so when the male showed up he called me and brought him over cuz he knew I was an ACO and fostered for rescues and love shepherds. I renamed him Luke- in Dec it will be 2 yrs since I've had him. He's on Glucosamine mix & Rimadyl. I think since he started these meds he's gone downhill very quickly. He can't stand up from a sit or down on the laminate floors, he has to stay on the rugs.
We take two walks a day but he's been dragging his back legs now and then. His is unknown but anywhere from -. I'm going to stop the long walks, wait till he 'goes' and come home. He never goes in the yard.
Luke weighed 66 lbs at first now he's normal weight 80 or so. I'm trying to say he hasn't had a real life until he came here. I don't think mentally he would want to be PTS. He's happy for the first 2 yrs of his life and kisses me all the time.
My question is: Do I stop the meds and see if they are making his rear weaker? Or do I need to let him go? He's very affectionate and loving to all people, children, dogs he whines and wags his tail to meet them. I have only had ONE DOG in my life pass away on her own. ONE. I dread this part of dog ownership.

K9Kohle789 8 Sep 16
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Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789The land shark has learned how to pop open the garbage lid.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789This is the puppy.

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Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

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