Republican Atheists

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

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Most Viewed Posts By repubatheists (72) (Page 3 / 8) Posts by members only

Republican Atheists
May 7, 2018May 2018

Posted by marmot84
Anyone who uses democrat as a adjective should not be taken seriously.
Republican Atheists
Aug 3, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by onlyif
NOT! ???????
Republican Atheists
May 1, 2018May 2018

Posted by Buttercup
I used to vote routinely for public officials who were Republicans, especially DAs, law enforcement, and financial positions because I think a mature, conservative mindset is better suited for these responsibilities. I'm a huge fan of Bush senior and...
Republican Atheists
Sep 8, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by onlyif
Just posted this in genral hellos. I am a very tolerant person. Lately I have been very disapointed with the admin of this site. This site has deleted posts saying they where offensive or hateful if they are pro Trump. Even in pro Trump groups. Yet...
Republican Atheists
Oct 22, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by DarrelScott
This sums it up:
Republican Atheists
Sep 5, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
Meanwhile, us Boomers are still struggling with this nonsense about "socialist Democrats":
Republican Atheists
Dec 30, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by sfvpool
Have you read Ayn Rand's, "Atlas Shrugged?" If so, did it impact your life? A piece recently published by Republican Atheists' President Lauren Ell. Take note, Ayn Rand identified as atheist.
Republican Atheists
Aug 19, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Response to this article.. Scandinavian countries have actually gradually been moving towards more privatized systems in healthcare, public transportation, security and other sectors because of poor results under government management. Some Swedish ...
Republican Atheists
Oct 15, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by PinkyandtheBrain
I don't know what the f to say to this.
Republican Atheists
Jan 1, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by sfvpool
Holiday greeting for your left leaning friends:
Republican Atheists
Oct 6, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Congratulations to Justice Brett Kavanaugh - the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court!
Republican Atheists
Oct 4, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by DarrelScott
Something to help the unhappy democrats
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Jun 10, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by blueskies
Learning to be a republican:
Republican Atheists
Apr 16, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by EnderTheCatKing
I made this account just to join this group, thank you for making this a thing. I thought I was crazy for being an agnostic(borderline atheist) conservative.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Sep 11, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Sep 9, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
Maybe, they are just visiting from an alternate universe:
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Oct 20, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by DarrelScott
Once again as we near an election the democratic party begins their wailing about "voter suppression". Time to remind them of their own history. Beginning with Nathan Bedford Forrest the democrats began their efforts at voter suppression that ...
Republican Atheists
Aug 10, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by onlyif
Says it
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Aug 20, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Captain_Feelgood
Looks like the Clintons have struck again...
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Aug 31, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
Good morning fellow Republicans!
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Jan 6, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Captain_Feelgood
Oh for fuck sake... you'll get a kick out of this one, folks..
1 comment
Shared from Politics
Oct 9, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Thank you Nikki Haley for your time serving as the US Ambassador to the United Nations. Shared by Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee.. Under President Donald Trump & Nikki Haley's leadership, the US has: punished Syria for ...
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Dec 2, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Leafhead
RIP George. As for atheist Republicans residing in the great state of Wisconsin, I urge you to appeal to Scott Walker's graciousness, decency and sense of fair play and veto all bills being proposed by the House this coming week. These bills will ...
Republican Atheists
Sep 17, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by repubatheists
I published a blog where I listed Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a conservative atheist and a number of left leaning atheists have been arguing she is not conservative. I do view her as being in the conservative league, though, because (1) she fiercely opposes ...
Republican Atheists
Aug 8, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Drew69
Anyone here seen the movie Death of America?

Photos 59 More

Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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