Republican Atheists

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

This group is for atheists who are registered Republicans, or take interest in the Republican party.

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Most Viewed Posts By repubatheists (72) (Page 2 / 8) Posts by members only

Republican Atheists
May 1, 2018May 2018

Posted by Bizarre
I have interest in the Republican Party cause I see myself as being very conservative. Conservatives created the EPA, now Trump and some Republicans want to destroy it. Why? Many folks think only Democrats are atheists or agnostic, but there are ...
Republican Atheists
May 3, 2018May 2018

Posted by repubatheists
"Millennials are almost evenly split this year over the question of which party has a better plan for the economy, with 34 percent picking the Democrats and 32 percent choosing Republicans. That's a shift from two years ago, when they said Democrats ...
Republican Atheists
Dec 4, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by paul1967
Are Conservatives too Conservatives? Are Liberals too Liberal? I'm a conservative Liberal which means I'm Liberal with an appreciation for moderate conservativism. The way I see it this country could stand on it's own and survive without liberals ...
Republican Atheists
Sep 29, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Lop-Eared-Mule
Just came by to say in perspective of the Kavanaugh hearings.... you're all a bunch of TRAITORS. I'm done trolling now... I'm out.
Republican Atheists
Aug 29, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
This is a serious question, because I've not met a Republican who wasn't. Are, by definition, Republicans Capitalists?
Republican Atheists
Dec 4, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by inthecloset
Good evening Republicans. Okay to join as an agnostic?
Republican Atheists
Sep 12, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by onlyif
What is everyone's thought on this?
Republican Atheists
Aug 21, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by bigpawbullets
Hopefully, this will start showing up on lots of Democrat's computers:
Republican Atheists
Nov 6, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by onlyif
Voted RED wave all the way. :)
Republican Atheists
Nov 29, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by paul1967
Do you support a pardon for Paul Manafort? If not what would that do for your support of Trump?
Republican Atheists
Jan 3, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by sfvpool
Don't be a climate change denier, become a climate thinker.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
May 3, 2018May 2018

Posted by repubatheists
City Journal featured an interview with conservative atheist and published author Heather Mac Donald, one of the many conservative speakers that have been shut down on campuses. She also discusses UCLA's "diversity program."
1 comment
Republican Atheists
May 20, 2018May 2018

Posted by blueskies
Dunno if this is allowed here but i thought it was funny. and oldie but goodie: A pretty little girl named Suzy was standing on the sidewalk in front of her home. Next to her was a basket containing a number of tiny creatures; in her hand was a ...
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Jan 25, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by DarrelScott
We are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.
Republican Atheists
Aug 8, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Drew69
Not Death of America but Death of a Nation sorry
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Aug 8, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Been there.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Aug 11, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
I feel more fearful the longer I stay in Sweden, and I question how this country will continue to function over time. I broke down crying today after feeling defeated yet again in trying to contact a health clinic. I have never felt a system work ...
1 comment
Republican Atheists
May 1, 2018May 2018

Posted by paul1967
I just joined, but full disclosure, I'm both conservative and liberal depending on the issue. If you don't want me to join it will only take one person to say please leave and I'll go with no hurt feelings. My purpose is to aquire information from ...
Republican Atheists
Feb 22, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by DarrelScott
These people are sick...
Republican Atheists
Aug 5, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by repubatheists
This conservative atheist wants to know what you think.
Republican Atheists
Oct 10, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by repubatheists
Hoodlums in Portland directed traffic for their own road closure and harassed and attacked drivers. Police stood by and did nothing.
1 comment
Republican Atheists
Jun 7, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by MettaCompassion
Hello, I am a registered Republican. With that, however, my philosophy is more in line with Theodore Roosevelt on environmental issues and social welfare issues, while my foreign policy philosophy would be classified as interventionist. Despite my ...
Republican Atheists
Oct 2, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by repubatheists
One reason why I do not believe women outright is because of a mother I observed who fought tooth and nail to keep her children away from their father. She lied, over exaggerated, and was completely nuts. I heard voicemails of her yelling and making ...
Republican Atheists
Jun 7, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by paul1967
Politics is not a , however a commonality they both share are zelots. I consider myself a liberal and for being among you and hearing your views some liberals have called me a trader others have called me two faced. I have lost friends over this, but...
Republican Atheists
Dec 30, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by sfvpool
Have you read Ayn Rand's, "Atlas Shrugged?" If so, did it impact your life? A piece recently published by Republican Atheists' President Lauren Ell. Take note, Ayn Rand identified as atheist.

Photos 59 More

Posted by repubatheistsRepublican Atheists is proud to introduce Pedro Bonilla, Republican Atheists’ second correspondent in the state of New York.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by repubatheistsAtheist Republican Carolyn Umphrey (pictured up front) won a seat on her town's city council in Arizona last year.

Posted by DarrelScottThe enemies within. The darlings of the democrat party.

Posted by DarrelScottThis looks right to me:

Posted by DarrelScottWe are so fortunate not to have him in the White House. Now to get him out of the Senate.

Posted by repubatheistsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, Center for Inquiry and Republican Atheists have said "Merry Christmas." Let's end the war on Christmas people.

Posted by DarrelScottHistorically correct

Posted by repubatheistsWith gratitude to those who served.

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifVoted RED wave all the way. :)

Posted by onlyifDon't forget to vote on Tuesday.

Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

Posted by GaryCauserLol....we won. They lost... Even the unfaithful have their day...i did find out where the haters hangout...on a dating site for atheist... This group seems like lost sheep it! MAGA

Posted by PinkyandtheBrainI don't know what the f to say to this.

Posted by repubatheistsSomething to reference to the next time someone says Democrat officials do not support antifa or violence.

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